How often do ya check lash?

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Oct 19, 2005
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Its been like 4000 miles since Trixies 4th rebirth and just now getting aroudtoit. Exhaust were a bit over .0010 which may of just been measure variation as intake still about good as I can measure-sense. No score marks seen on valve stems cool.

Found a few case bolts loose and left overs of sticks that wiped out the brake wires to short and take a charger terminal off. I've not taken Trixie into what I call off road yet just pasture to chase deer and get to THE G. She's so fragile vulnerable don't really intend too. Wife said she sees the deer tense, jitter then dart off as Trixie sounds approach. Yea!

So I'm guessing no need to check last for another set of tires. Been weeks since messing with carbs and points AAU still tolerable, but mild fall season leaking down. Put in her daily 40 for nice sense of balding tires getting griper. More on Sunday. Do you lift boots or not for shallow water crossings?
I adjusted mine but I think I must have done something wrong. I've adjusted many valves before but is there some trick with Nortons?
Set the open one with the opposite valve fully open / depressed .

Bend the ends of the feeler guages , near 45 deg. used to do hard edge bend , radius better . There go the feeler guages .
Allen Key Adjuster / tappet screws ' superior ' . Typical fangdangled things tighten as the lock nut comes down. MUTTER .
So some degree of control is required if Ladies or Children within Earshot .So its set and check , repeat ditto UNTILL EXACT .

AFTER the 2.000 ' settling in ' , if you drive around namby pamby and never go over 5.000 rpm , check at 2000 .
I used to check em Ea. 500 miles , all fine bar one just a we bit slidyer on the feeler guage . Being morose I left it .
Next check at 1000 mile they were all spot on .A iota loose maybe o.k. , if there way tight , adjust em .

If youre off to the drag strip , check & adjust the night before , and again some time the next week .

A little note book , all layed out for Ea. and the rest , lets you keep a record .That way if the pattern changes
you can cock an eye , and suspect foul play . :| :D
I adjusted mine after about 50 miles, then about 150, now they seem fine at speed but can hear them at low speeds, it may be that I can hear them when the engine is not running 4K? I figure on a rebuild it doesn't hurt to adjust them a lot until you notice they settle down and you get everything tightened up. I just use the method like in the Riders Manual with a set of feelers. I think the mushroom adjusters are a bit easier than the sharp standard adjusters.

Hobot, I think you mean .010 which is ten thousandths. You are running your valves way tight at .0010 which is one thousandths. I have found negligible change in my valve lash after 13,000 miles. I just had a quick look at the exhausts as they are more critical if they get too tight. Still good at .008
Gosh then I'm a poor example to follow in maintenance routine or type correct number of the 2S valve lash. I had a mechanic put his head near Trixie,s a few days ago and said it sounds a bit loose up there. That made me feel guilty after Texas trip so was glad to only find a fine tune needed on exhaust side. Still sounds like a bell with loose striker to me. What we hear in head is the whole head ringing though that can be rung by about everything in the head mechanisms. I get the same sound tapping head any where or by working a loose rocker arm so don't think we can really tell much listening unless new strange louder ringing sound is heard. I think its the head ring that attract bats when I'm idling along w/o throttle stoned on the putt putt putt just barely gliding along at the wonder of it all here.

I've got a dedicated feeler gauge with only 4 blades, .06, .08, .10 and .12" that I don't want to bend but is short enough to slip in w/o a bind. Ugh its getting near the 5000 mile mark manual says to check cam chain, like you good mechanics do.
aceaceca said:
I have found negligible change in my valve lash after 13,000 miles.

i think you find that changes are also directly related to how much you thrash your motor too. i notice that with "spirited" riding my valves go out of adjustment much more quickly than driving like grandpa - but its usually pretty easy to start /seeing/feelings indications they are out - when the bike doesn't start on first or second kick (sometimes 3 if i am not putting my all into it) it typically is time to readjust them

Ok i should of asked how often should we *expect* to need lash attention. 13,000 m is encouraging to read, implies every other tire change or more, which self compensates for easy or hard ridden lashing eh.

Trixie was and still is a pleasing 1 kick no tickle when warm, even with the slight exht side slack. But will keep lash in mind along with all the other things that can stifle 1 kick joy. But If I don't quite follow through the first time then its hit or miss weather I made it too lean or not to try again w/o a tickle.

Rode with Wesley, almost 2 Roadster tanks worth today in best fall colors in many years. He's says it can get addictive, yeah sure.
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