I think I paid 1500 bucks for mine about 10 years ago when I first bought it. I also have an old receipt from when the guy previous to me bought it...price was 517 bucks at the time in 1976. Since I bought it, I have put about 4900 bucks into it for parts, paint (paint purchase, application, striping, etc), power coating, battery, instrument overhauls/lube and so forth, plus MANY, MANY hours of my personal labor. Now it looks like this:

It is a rider and NOT a show bike and is NOT a "Restoration"...tank is Norton (metal) High Rider, single Amal MKII carb, modern solid state electronics, some chrome plating on the triple clamps, big ugly old Lucas switches are gone as are the levers and mastery cylinder and all replaced by newer, better stuff (NOT Lucas!), Paint is Honda Clover Green with hand striping and stickers with a clearcoat over everything, seat is Corbin made to flow into/with the tank and the (original) front brake is now drilled....(see my thread about "Drilling a Norton Disc").
I have been told it is worth somewhere in the range of $8,000 to $10,000 now, and I suppose that depends upon how deep a prospective buyer's pockets are and how badly he/she may want it.
PS...it is NOT for sale!! Well, they say everything has a price and the last guy that tried to buy it, I quoted a price of $200,000 after he wouldn't take "NO" for and answer......He did get the idea and I still have it!!