How much did your Commando cost? (2016)

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My 1970 Fastback cost me £350 in 75, it's been costing me ever since. A guy near me has just paid £6000 for an 850 Mk2 and it needs new chain and sprockets and iso's and some fettling (carbs). It's not that tidy either but has potential.
I paid about $2150 for my '73 in Jan of '08
How much did your Commando cost? (2016)

As it was when I backed up to my garage
How much did your Commando cost? (2016)

As it sits currently, with my just-then finished Ranger.

I put it together in '08, not knowing anything about Commandos, but armed with a parts manual and a service manual. Had it running in about 9 months, with an additional investment of a little over $6K.
In 2012, with about 11,000 miles put on it, I had some issues (cracked oil tank, leaking fuel tank (early Pakistani copy), side stand mount cracking off the frame) so decided to do a 'quickie' rebuild, and spent another $3K, where I did the Cosentino fork upgrades, Ikon shocks in the rear, re-sleeved master to lighten the brake lever, and a re-paint in the same Candy Red I painted the Ranger. When I first painted it, I used the earlier 'Signal Red' I found as the base color on my tank, not knowing at the time that the tank was obviously from an earlier bike, as it was fiberglass.

It doesn't get ridden as often as it should (none of mine get out as often as I'd like), but has gone another 5K miles. I've insured it for $11K, and think its well worth it, as it is a well-sorted, regularly-ridden Commando
$1600.00 4 years ago. Barn fresh. 1 engine and trans rebuild,tires, brakes, bearings etc, etc, etc.
Now it runs and rides. Still throwing money at it. I probably have about $4000.00 additional in it.

How much did your Commando cost? (2016)

How much did your Commando cost? (2016)
$400.00 in 1980.

Since then, if i paid myself minimum wage for the work and added up the parts, it has enough in it to retire with class.....

But where would be the fun in that???? jim
I paid about 6500 for a 74 when all was said and done and that was BEFORE the rebuild started. Money
spent was just silly. Im done more or less have put on about 3k miles since.
If I did it again Id get a frame and an engine and go from there.
Since I couldnt decide whether I should have a Trident or a Commando I bought a Trident too and did the
same thing. Money out the window with abandon.
However, now I can, and do, ride either one any day I choose. Solved the problem.
Onder said:
I paid about 6500 for a 74 when all was said and done and that was BEFORE the rebuild started. Money
spent was just silly. Im done more or less have put on about 3k miles since.
If I did it again Id get a frame and an engine and go from there.
Since I couldnt decide whether I should have a Trident or a Commando I bought a Trident too and did the
same thing. Money out the window with abandon.
However, now I can, and do, ride either one any day I choose. Solved the problem.

I doubt many Norton or Trident owners are also accountants. I say you made some damn good choices.

It ain't the money you end up with, but people are impressed with the toys one leaves behind.
Onder said:
I paid about 6500 for a 74 when all was said and done and that was BEFORE the rebuild started. Money
spent was just silly. Im done more or less have put on about 3k miles since.
If I did it again Id get a frame and an engine and go from there.
Since I couldnt decide whether I should have a Trident or a Commando I bought a Trident too and did the
same thing. Money out the window with abandon.
However, now I can, and do, ride either one any day I choose. Solved the problem.

I doubt many Norton or Trident owners are also accountants. I say you made some damn good choices.

It ain't the money you end up with, but people are impressed with the toys one leaves behind, not to mentioned the enjoyment those toys provided you along the way.
Traded a `98 Ducati ST2 (worth about $3K) for it in 2012.

How much did your Commando cost? (2016)

Been through it stem to stern to the tune of probably $3-$4K and countless hours.

How much did your Commando cost? (2016)
The MK111 was for sale on ebay in 2003. It was in Woodinville, WA, a couple of hours south of us so I drove down and took it for a ride. It ran and rode nicely. Then went back home and started bidding . Ended up as the high bidder at 4200, but that didn't meet reserve.
A couple of weeks after the eBay auction ended the seller phoned to say it was mine for 4200.

It showed 16,000 on the odometer. I've put another 22,000 on and it's been a very reliable machine apart from one electrical wire/braided hose issue that could have been avoided with some preventative maintenance on my part.
I have done some work on it, had to helicoil the head studs not long after getting the bike. Other bits that have been added to improve the bike are the Madass front brake, PODtronics regulator, O ring chain, Barnett clutch plates and alloy rims.
Not much really , maybe 2,000 in total and most of it optional stuff.
The bike still runs strong and only uses about 8 ounces of oil per thousand miles run.

Here it is just after I brought it home in 2003

How much did your Commando cost? (2016)

Thirteen years and 22,000 miles later

How much did your Commando cost? (2016)
1972 750 Combat
$3,500 here in the States in 2007.
Would run barely and had sat since 77.
Rough and needed a full going over.
About additional $4,500 into it with except for head rebuild me doing all the work.
That's a bit like asking a lady her age. :D All up, no dont ask.
jug said:
That's a bit like asking a lady her age. :D All up, no dont ask.
I know VERY little about women. I do however know these 3 questions that you never ask under any circumstance 1). How old are you? 2). How much do you weigh? 3). How many people have you slept with?
About 8 years ago I bought this hulk for $3500. Colorado barn find. 4500 original miles, pretty much all original except for funky period accessories.

How much did your Commando cost? (2016)

$700 later, tires, carb rebuild, head gasket, head stud, brake rebuild, new proper OEM clutch, lots and lots of polish on original paint. Still sporting points etc. very original bike including exhaust etc. A fantastic running and riding machine. Has been rock reliable in the 8 years since.

How much did your Commando cost? (2016)
I bought my 1974 Commando in 2013 for $3500 and it had 5600 miles on it and the wiring was burnt... this bike had nice original paint and was a one owner Norton...To date have replaced wiring harness, Comnoz sump breather, Trispark ignition, aluminum rims and stainless spokes,exhaust pipes, Madass front brake, new tires, gel battery, new Mark 3 style Isos and layshaft bearing....I have probably put about another $3000(maybe more) in it but has been transformed into a dependable daily rider...I decided to quit counting after a certain point and these numbers don't even include my labor...

How much did your Commando cost? (2016)

Bike as found in back of an old Buick dealership 20 miles from my home

How much did your Commando cost? (2016)

Bike today
lrutt said:
About 8 years ago I bought this hulk for $3500. Colorado barn find. 4500 original miles, pretty much all original except for funky period accessories.

How much did your Commando cost? (2016)

$700 later, tires, carb rebuild, head gasket, head stud, brake rebuild, new proper OEM clutch, lots and lots of polish on original paint. Still sporting points etc. very original bike including exhaust etc. A fantastic running and riding machine. Has been rock reliable in the 8 years since.

How much did your Commando cost? (2016)

Wow I think you got away with the cheapest restore, $700, I paid that for my gauges. 8)
Hi jackman
Have you an idea what condition of cycle you want to get, that and a good squint at sites like eBay or owners club should give a good idea what the market is like now rather than owners purchases a mighty long time ago.
As Dave and Ashley's purchases a continent apart forty odd years ago are somewhat outdated now. What do you think you should be paying?

Especially since "500,000 commandos were built since their launch in 1961" I have these stats from a reliable source. I am looking for a 65 commando as yet no luck.
Bought this lump for $5100 Sunday. Previous owner did a nice going over, pistons, rings, electronic ignition, Mikuni carb. Runs like a raped ape and sounds like fire and brimstone.

How much did your Commando cost? (2016)

Bought this lump back in 2013 for $3000 as a gift from the owner who bought it off my dad back in 2001. Sold it to me for what my dad sold it to him for. All original-fiberglass tank has never been lined, never had ethanol fuel in it, has been dry for almost 15 years.

How much did your Commando cost? (2016)
auldblue said:
Hi jackman
Have you an idea what condition of cycle you want to get, that and a good squint at sites like eBay or owners club should give a good idea what the market is like now rather than owners purchases a mighty long time ago.
As Dave and Ashley's purchases a continent apart forty odd years ago are somewhat outdated now. What do you think you should be paying?

Especially since "500,000 commandos were built since their launch in 1961" I have these stats from a reliable source. I am looking for a 65 commando as yet no luck.

Commandos weren't produced untIL 1967...
auldblue said:
Especially since "500,000 commandos were built since their launch in 1961" I have these stats from a reliable source. I am looking for a 65 commando as yet no luck.

If that is an attempt at sarcasm, then it's really not helpful.
Bought my '71 Commando in '73 for less than $800. Rode it for a couple of years, burnt a valve and had to top-end the motor. Converted it from a yellow 'glas-tanked Roadster to a green Fastback with Dunstall exhaust and rearsets, Boranni rims, BMW R90S fairing and a Lucas K2F magneto. Rode it for a couple of years like that and then got tired of flogging it keeping up with my friends riding Japanese 4-cylinders and bought one myself.

In the meantime, I bought a '75 Mk III that had been dropped off a trailer at highway speed, subsequently taking several looping bounces and destroying everything but the frame, power unit and wheel hubs and brakes. Transplanted all the good stuff (but the frame, which I sold) into the '71, which I turned back into a 'glas-tanked Roadster. Also sold all the leftover parts and Dunstall stuff. Rode it like that for a couple of years and then parked it for 15 while raising children and paying down a mortgage.

Two years ago, I decided it had gathered enough dust and rust that I needed to get it going again. (See thread, "Another Winter Resurrection" in the Norton Rebuilds section). Now, it's a steel-tanked SS that starts first kick and the only oil leak is a slight drip where the alternator wire passes through the back of the chaincase. 40-year-old grommets get hard, evidently. I've been through every nut and bolt other than breaking the crank apart and removing the rods. That remains intact and original 1975 stuff.

With all the buying, selling and trading of parts, I have no clue how much money (much less time) I have sunk into this old nail, but it's been a shitload of fun along the way. Learned a lot, too, since this is the last bike I've owned that's been in a shop and that was 44 years ago when I first bought it and paid to have a new clutch put in.
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