how do I seal the ammeter in my headlamp?

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Aug 18, 2008
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I've decided to replace the waivering ammeter in my headlamp, and wonder how best to seal it, if at all. My first thought was to put an appropriately sized o ring between it and the headlamp. The ammeter is fastened to the headlamp by 4 little metal tags, which bend down under the hole in the headlamp. They seem pretty short, and I wonder if an o ring will be too thick to enable these to attach properly. Second thought was some silicone sealant. Third thought was no sealant at all; just metal on metal; but I am conscious of the bundle of wires in the lamp; and concerned about the damage that might be done if moisture gets in.

how do I seal the ammeter in my headlamp?

Any advice?
I think Walridge sold me a sort of o-ring, and I just mashed it in there as best as I could, bent the tabs back in place hoping they wouldn't break and so far I'm good. It goes on the outside. As I remember the original gasket came apart in tiny pieces and I couldn't tell if it was an o-ring or a flat gasket. It does look a bit funky if you get up on it, but if you don't get to close......

how do I seal the ammeter in my headlamp?

i gave in and just did Trixie as factory via the tabs w/o any sealer or gasket or tape. I knew better than hook it up though, one its just more wiring drag on alternator when creeping and don't really help alert to low charging states, at least w/o studying it a while while not watching the road. I can attest that any needle swings seen are indeed caused by the electrical pulses as Trixie's needle sits about steady over my scope of uneven operation. Its been through rain and many power washes though I don't linger on head light nor wheel bearings. I just like dial faces is all.
Just a small dab of silly-cone all around and your metal tabs should do it......just wipe off any excess and no one will be the wiser.........

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