Horny Leaning Valve

Vacuum brakes, wipers and windscreen washers didn’t destroy the vacuum source.
Aren't vacuum brake reservoirs constantly 'replenished?'
Not familiar with the working of wipers (or washers) but again mustn't these be regulated in some way (or involve a diaphragm as per brake servo) to stop the negative pressure disappearing entirely??
Can't claim intimate knowledge of either, but willing to learn :-)
Dunno. But see post #16 !
Okay Nigel - you've convinced me! That horn looks just like my "leaning valve".
I genuinely think the PO thought it was a way of getting more performance.
Funny thing is it it "activated" by a LH twistgrip. Maybe ran out of space on the bars for another lever?
Okay Nigel - you've convinced me! That horn looks just like my "leaning valve".
I genuinely think the PO thought it was a way of getting more performance.
Funny thing is it it "activated" by a LH twistgrip. Maybe ran out of space on the bars for another lever?
Well he may have thought that… but he also said he never got it to work… maybe that’s why !
Has anyone ever seen one of these?
Better still, have an idea of how to set it up?
It came with the 1928 ES2 - it's a Binks carb with the "trumpeted" valve which bolts to the LH front engine mount. The cable goes to a LH "throttle" which allows you to introduce air between the carb and inlet port.
Interesting idea! Apparently it was OEM on this bike but the PO could not get it to run correctly.
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That is definitely a kanuter valve . :-)
Called forced induction, but this looks like a old primitive version.
A more modern version of which I am an advocate, is to stick a plastic funnel on the front of the bike run a half inch bore car heater tube into the bellmouth of the carburetor.
You will not feel any increase in the engine performance until you reach 60 m.p.h.
Extra performance Is all relative to the size of the engine .........don't ask me how I know, I've posted this on tiis website before, but none of you lot show much interest................
Well… you never mentioned the left hand throttle… is that what it has ?

Unless you have hulk lungs, blowing and sucking aint gonna do owt !

I had a car that had the windscreen wipers powered by intake vacuum, don’t think I’d have got ‘em going by sucking !

Pre war electrics couldn’t power a siren. Many bikes had sirens that had a lever lowering a wheel onto the tyre in order to power a siren. I wouldn’t discount my mates theory just yet…
Vacuum powered windscreen wipers went faster as you cruise along then take your foot off the throttle!!!!
The old Ford Poplar etc had them.
Called forced induction, but this looks like a old primitive version.
A more modern version of which I am an advocate, is to stick a plastic funnel on the front of the bike run a half inch bore car heater tube into the bellmouth of the carburetor.
You will not feel any increase in the engine performance until you reach 60 m.p.h.
Extra performance Is all relative to the size of the engine .........don't ask me how I know, I've posted this on tiis website before, but none of you lot show much interest................

It’s a whistle, mate.
Pretty sure it’s very similar to this:

My BIL had one on his truck. It definitely wasn’t a “pick-up” truck in his case.
Assuming the PO isn’t winding you up, what an amazing device.

Looks like a piston hole creator to me!

I hope someone knowledgeable chimes in and explains it all.

And I wonder if this is an example of the posts we’ll see in 50 years time about Amal choke slides ?!?
No reason for it to hole a piston if the carb is jetted to compensate.