hmmm speedo drive at the rear wheel

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Aug 10, 2014
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other than way farther away than the front wheel, any other particular reason(s) for going there?!
So when all the grease slings out of it you can blame it on the chain.
Was easier/cheaper on rear drum than swinging futher moving front drum brake wheels. My SuVee has spdo on front but I like it better on back as funner to see it saying 70's yet wind says 20's to 30's till they egaulize.
I used to ride a BSA Enduro Star on enduro's . It had a rear wheel drive speedo, a 100 mile event would always show 120 to 130 miles because of wheel slippage. I installed a Yamaha front wheel and speedo with a front wheel drive and the mileage was always pretty close.
motoracer8 said:
I used to ride a BSA Enduro Star on enduro's . It had a rear wheel drive speedo, a 100 mile event would always show 120 to 130 miles because of wheel slippage. I installed a Yamaha front wheel and speedo with a front wheel drive and the mileage was always pretty close.

What, no wheelies :D
It's so you can crush the drive unit or slip out with leverage tool to awkwardly refit axle and spacer and bits together with swearings so that you can order more new parts. Don't forget to tape up the scraped hand too and wipe up blood leakage on shop floor. :|
maybe cos the thing is known to break and need replacing, they figured wth, the rear wheel comes off more often than rhe front so let's put ir there,

dunnu, you would think there musta been good reason(s) for going there,
It has two possibilities, front or back.
Theory 1/ Toss a coin.
Theory 2/ Don't do what Triumph (or BSA, or Royal Enfield, or Velocette take your pick) do
Theory 3/ Do what Triumph (or BSA, or Royal Enfield, or Velocette take your pick) do

Aren't there more important things to worry about?
On THE Gravel when kicking up heels each turn takes a bit more or less slip spin drift so handy to narrow down on amount of throttle snap up to proper mpg to get the swing out stopped in proper nick of time. Its hard to judge actual ground speed by pilot sense alone, especially when just a few too much is all it take to ruin a nice turn. A schizophrenic no brainer is have it both ways. If ya snook into our kissing cousing HD's speedo you might find one that could adapt to front discs as well as rear. New age cheater way is bicycle mag trigger.
Technology now doubling every 18 months we just heard. Bicycling stuff now amazing for accurate to a fault G.P.S. determinations of distances and speeds ,etc. and incredibly light. Back or front , there are new options for those who love tinkerings and not bloody knuckles.
Don't be so impressed with all the digital age gizmo's as GPS only measures imaginary distance traveled horizontal to Earth center so misleads ya when going up and down steeps at a good clip by enough mph could get a ticket.
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