Thanks for all of your interesting replies.
The Amals are not the originals, which were knackered, as
@EstuaryBoy suggests. These ones were installed new in 2013 and the bike has not been ridden much since until this year, I have no reason to believe that the carbs are kaput but have committed to dismantling them to check, including as
@acotrel suggests, for water ingress, which may come from the cracked rubber, although I avoid driving in rain and don't leave the bike standing in it, unless it were condensation.
The balance hose, part 37 in
@kommando's post, downwind of the carbs is sound.
It occurs to me that I simply must go through a process of elimination: inspect the guts of the carbs, replace the rubbers, and see how it goes.
There is another potential reason why the motor stutters on acceleration but, to me, this is way out on a limb because before, under the same conditions, it didn't stutter:
I live at 900 metres (2952 ft) ASL and often drive above that, some mountain passes being up to 2500 metres (8202 ft) ASL. However, I drive equally as much below my home altitude of 900 metres. For info, the main jet needle is set to 'normal'.
Amal writes the following:
View attachment 98450
Perhaps that says it all and, perhaps, I should just try out different jet sizes. Does this have anything to do with the main jet needle, or is this about changing the jet? I am getting out of my league here.