Kiwishane. No. the GEC Nighthawk is similar to the Trucklight. . Unfortunately, it looks like it is NLA. Maybe because they have uprated it and call it by a different name. As you can see, it is not just a bulb, but a full light assembly.
My bike has passed all wof checks since it has been installed.
Ian, you have probably seen it. Mark used to comment on how bright is was during the many daylight rides we did to rallies together. I think I has it fitted for the Paihiatua rally.
Look at the tests that have been shown about light patterns and check to see if yours is as good. Final proof is the night ride. If the light looks like the impression of a butterfly, it is no good. Proper dense light pattern is the only option.
As komando says above, if the light passes the required tests, the testing authority doesn't need to know what it is.