Harley's getting in my way again

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Well I did not mean to create such a stir. Just to get the record straight again, I LIKE HARLEY'S and HARLEY RIDERS. Just not packs of bikes that get in my way. Ha ha
I don't have a problem with anyone or any kind of bike, just ride what I have liked since my first bike.. A Norton almost 40 years ago.. I've owned a lot of different brands but Nortons are still my favorite & best for my ridding style. I would like a big V twin for long distance stuff, maybe some day. I'm all for HD living long & prosperous, just like I want for Ford, Chevy, Dodge etc etc. that said I had to laugh once when a HD guy gave me that American bike only shit. I asked him if he was aware that the spokes on his bike were "Made in Japan" while mine were made right here in the U.S. of A in Azuza California by Buchanan's. He didn't like that!!!!
MikeG said:
concours said:
Clancy McGoo would have shouted: "Road Hog!" :lol:

... In a world where we have less & less freedom, less control over things, and more rules & regulations.... :idea:

Like those "rugged individualists" we passed on the Blue Ridge that day?? :roll:

Awee, who could resist a 20-for-1 sale? :twisted:
Danno said:
MikeM said:
Its not the make of the motorcycle. Its the inconsiderate idiot on it.
I will agree that there are a large amount of inconsiderate knuckleheads that ride Harley Davidsons. I will tell you that I am not one of those.
I do have an HD in my garage, right next to my Commando.

Some people buy a Harley and immediately buy into the "lifestyle" thing, which includes pack riding at below-limit velocities. You rarely see them ride solo, and their treks are mostly short distance, TT-type (tavern-to-tavern). Of course, not all Harley riders are dim bulbs, but some seem to forego intelligence when they get in a group. I suppose the urge to fit in with one's "peers" is, at times, stronger than ordinary common sense.

P. Egan (I tend to quote him often) once told a story about riding his own Harley and getting jammed up by what he assumed was someone driving a motorhome on a rolling two-lane highway. When he was finally able to pick off all the four-wheel vehicles in the conga line one-by-one, he discovered the problem to be a pack of Harley types riding nose-to-tail, necessitating the high-speed blast past to get around. Later, he was at a Harley dealer getting something for his bike when he heard two riders discussing an incident where another Harley rider had blasted by their group at high speed. "No lane discipline", muttered one as the other nodded in agreement. Realizing it was himself they were referring to, he recounted a "similar" incident he had experienced in which a pack of slow-moving Harleys had forced him to fly around them en masse, since they afforded no space to pass singularly. He told them after he had gotten home, he called several friends to relate the incident and told them if he ever held up traffic while riding any motorcycle, they should just shoot him in the head, because life as he knew it was over.
thats an amazing story i would also like to be shot in the head if ever ride so slow i'm holding other traffic up!!!! i met up recently with an old mate who used to have a t140 forever now rides a harley he told me with a straight face that you "have to understand a harley to own one" it was just so funny, but none of this explains why some of them ride slowly in a pack!! cheers baz
Jerry Doe said:
Well I did not mean to create such a stir. Just to get the record straight again, I LIKE HARLEY'S and HARLEY RIDERS. Just not packs of bikes that get in my way. Ha ha

Jerry, just pack up your stuff and head up to Quincy. See you there
Hi Mark,

Yes, see you at Quincy. I will be on my 750. Glen and I should be getting there on Monday evening


Today it was 45 mph. in a 65 mph zone .......... FOR 9 FREAKING MILES!
Harleys again you ask ? No, not this time.

Goldwings with sidecars pulling camper trailers !
They are having a rally here this weekend and these geesers are clogging up streets
all over the area.

Summertime in the Rocky Mountains.
wasn't harleys but there jap clones that held me up going over the mountain today in an F600 dump truck :shock: they did pull over to let me pass :lol:
green53 said:
I have a 2009 HD Cop Bike, a 1968 Commando, a 1972 Combat not on the road and 2 500 Triumphs. The 800 lbs HD I believe will keep up to the 1968 Commando anywhere. I did modify the suspension and put cams and exhaust on the HD, but the 1968 has a hot cam and light porting. I love riding them all!

Maybe in the flat lands and straight roads. Mountain twisties, not a chance. :)
A few weeks ago some friends and I went thru the Duffy loop. I was the on Thruxton R, they were on Beemers, and 1150 and 1200 rt. Two of their friends came along on 800-900 pound Harleys. Not a happy situation. Those bikes are not built for that type of riding. They were creeping along so we left them far behind.
About an hour after we got in for the night they finally showed up, totally exhausted from man handling huge machines with floorboards thru hundreds of sharp turns. I think anyone would be exhausted from that. It's like driving a motor home thru the mountains vs taking a sports car instead.

The Thrux R is ridiculously nimble and powerful for that type of riding and the Beemers are decent.
I've also had the Commando thru there a few times. It handles the terrain really well, I would guess on par with the Beemers or maybe at a slight advantage for handling, disadvantage for power.

Yes, an 800+ lb. cruiser is not as nimble as our Cdo's or many other lighter bikes, BUT, so often I see unskilled riders of these big bikes using only 30% of the bikes capability. I have an 880 lb. cruiser for pillion duty, easily will best posted speeds limits through corners by 25%, most of the time way more. My '74 FXEF while not a hot rod, never lost sight of most bikes.
Instead of practicing traffic blocking parade tactics, if these riders mentioned above practiced motorcycle RIDING skills, it would go smoother. :idea:
concours said:
Yes, an 800+ lb. cruiser is not as nimble as our Cdo's or many other lighter bikes, BUT, so often I see unskilled riders of these big bikes using only 30% of the bikes capability. I have an 880 lb. cruiser for pillion duty, easily will best posted speeds limits through corners by 25%, most of the time way more. My '74 FXEF while not a hot rod, never lost sight of most bikes.
Instead of practicing traffic blocking parade tactics, if these riders mentioned above practiced motorcycle RIDING skills, it would go smoother. :idea:

I think a lot of those guys are new to bikes - their mothers wouldn't let them have one, and are more about the short rides at low speeds rather than pushing the limits. The bikes don't really lend themselves to it either with dragging floorboards and forward controls. I've never ridden with fwd controls other than in a parking lot and can't imagine it's comfortable in a corner. They're not looking for any more skill than the group ride requires - proper stagger and etiquette.

As I've aged and become mortal I've slowed. No more GS or GSXR for me but speed limit -10, no, shoot me first. I don't seem to have or won't make the time for long rides I did as a kid; maybe if I can ever afford to retire after paying for my kid's Ivy tuition.

I have seen lone HD riders motoring right along, especially those on Sportsters; too bad they're girl's bikes. :D
H-D promotes the social aspect of their brand, they encourage it and they get it. HD "clubs" organize and run more charity events then any 2 or 3 other brands combine; lots of money for cancer research, families of fallen riders, local and national causes that effect all riders.

I've been caught behind a pack of HD's on more then one occasion, I pass then when I can, but enjoy the scenery when I can't; when I ride I try to not be in a hurry.

Please consider the following: It's not what you ride, it's that you ride. Please vote as well.

Not to pick on HD riders, but I've never seen anybody but them clogging up traffic just because they can. Their is such a thing as being considerate of other vehicles on the road. Another thing to consider, you're in a car in a long line of cars being held up by poser morons on rolling trinkets. When you finally get away from them are you going to notice whether the next group of riders you come across is on cruisers or Nortons/BSA/Triumph?? Or will you just take your anger and disgust out on them instead?
i have to say that i have only ever seen harley riders blocking up the road for other traffic, even goldwing owners and bmw riders tend to get a move on !!!!!
I once rode a Heritage Soft Tail Harley. It didn't do much and I certainly would not try to ride it fast. The beauty of both Harleys and Commandos is they are RE-BUILDABLE. How would you like to get into a tank-slapper with a Harley ?
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