Harley tyres for grip...

I just bought a set of Pirelli Angel GT’s that are a Sport/Tour tire . The set I took off had 6.5 k on them and still had meat, they were just squared off. You can get them as “A” spec for heavy bikes, which is why I am mentioning this. Bike was not a Harley.
I fly the meatball and the Jack both here in Texas. If I live long enough to wear out these K81's I think I'll end life with a pair of Avon's on the Commando... It just seems fitting.
Think Michelin makes a heavy sidewalk PR sport-tour tire for denser bikes , have gone through several pair of PR4 on Ducati with very good performance , have a set on Griso presently with maybe 11k to date not square yet with plenty tread both ends , the Ducati seems to cup front tire right around the 10k mark, run 35 psi both ends and that has helped .... not sure of the PR number you would ask for to fit the Harley , maybe worth a quick look ....
"but don’t really need 40-50k out of my tyres."

taking the bike off the trailer, and riding it will give tire life REALISTIC numbers.
Harley tyres for grip...
Sure do see a lot of Hogs on trailers heading for Cape Breton Island , then you notice same trailers in Motel parking , so the Harleys do get used , just lots of down time between good roads ...
Well, it was neck and neck between the Avon’s a s Pirelli‘s in terms of general feedback I could find. As I’m so happy with Avon’s on all my other bikes, I decided to try them out on the Harley.
Not long back from a blast over the Cleveland hills on the Sportster, Avon Chrome's. They tend to perish before I wear them out, fronts getting on a bit but still holds on!
Avon Chrome. Great grip. Holds up to the Rocket III power.
Yessir that’s what I’m going for, looking forward to trying them out.

I see a sneaky addition to your bike list there... can you tell me what you think to your Tenere 700...?