Ham can filter front cover. Painted or chrome?


May 8, 2022
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My '74 Mk2 has a satin silver painted front air filter cover. I was under the impression it was original, but would it have left the factory with a chrome cover?
My '74 Mk2 has a satin silver painted front air filter cover. I was under the impression it was original, but would it have left the factory with a chrome cover?
Not sure but I think only pre-71 had Chrome.
My 1970 had chrome, but the previous owner could have done that, there was quite a lot of chroming done on the bike
Only '69-70 'S' and '70 Roadster was chrome. '68-'70 Fastback was black (maybe some '70's chrome). '70-'74 silver. At least that is what I have found. Others may have different info.
My ‘72 was silver paint, but in 1998 when doing the restoration I got a flat rate at the chrome shop so tossed in many things including that front ham can plate.
Only '69-70 'S' and '70 Roadster was chrome. '68-'70 Fastback was black (maybe some '70's chrome). '70-'74 silver. At least that is what I have found. Others may have different info.
My original '70 Fastback's is silver, FWIW.
i was under the impression 74 Mk2 fronts were black and the rear (carb side) portion was silver. i still have my original silver rear section, but the previous owner destroyed the front in an attempt to install a mukuni carb and relocate the ignition switch. he basically cut the ignition switch bracket from the housing. i went back to the original twin amal configuration and bought a new (silver-silver) air cleaner assy from old britts - as i recall they sold both black and silver front sections. i since sourced an original part to restore back to original. my friend has a 73 Mk1 with a chrome assembly, but i can't verify it's originality.
I don 't know about the Mk2 as my A has the plastic airbox but the original carburettor side plate I got for my 1971 Fastback was more of a silver grey. (The 1971 750 (20M3S) plate being a one year only spec being the first and last year for the metal body power take off so has two additional holes for the attachment screws)

What a gem.
Ham can filter front cover. Painted or chrome? Ham can filter front cover. Painted or chrome?
(The 1971 750 (20M3S) plate being a one year only spec being the first and last year for the metal body power take off so has two additional holes for the attachment screws)
My Jan '72 Combat has those front holes for the power receptacle filled by some small self tapping screws which could stab you (since shortened). Like that from new. Yes, they were using up old stock.