Had our annual kick start only bike run Sunday with old mates


Jul 11, 2010
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Here are some pics of our annual run of kick start bikes

Had a great morning out with old mates about 20 old kick start bikes turned up and a few modern ES bike tagged along, was only a morning run from my mates place at Shorncliffe out too Clear Mountain through the back roads then to Dayboro, up the Mt. Mee range, a stop at the D'Aguilar pub then back home through some more back twisty roads, 3 1/2 hr run and home at 12:30 for lunch.
2 old Indians, 4 Tridents, a few Triumph twins, 4 BSA twins, 2 old school Shovelhead Harley chopper and a few old Harley's, I was on the only Norton, my kick stand broke so had to lean it on a post when stopped lol, the old Norton hadn't been run for a few months (wife eye OPs and health problems) wouldn't start at first till I drained the oil out of the crank then it fired up on second kick but once out the old Norton fired up on first kick every time and ran great without missing a beat, but it will be back to normal riding with it so no chance of wet sumping.
Got caught in some light rain after leaving the pub and getting pulled up for breath test at Mt. Mee before the pub.
A great morning out with old mates, can't get any better than that.

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Well a bit of a follow up of our annual KS only ride, Matty who arranged the ride he rode one of the BSAs and Steve who also was on a BSA both got speeding tickets in the mail last week from a camera unit at Clear Mountain where we rode through, the camera van was set up in someone's driveway, Matty got $295 fine and 1 point and Steve got $495 fine and 3 points, the funny thing I was behind Matty most of the time and so far touch wool no fine yet in the mail and so far haven't heard or known if anyone else got a ticket.
But being on school holidays they double the points so after they pay the fine they will get a letter from the pricks saying they be taking the extra points off their license's, we get 12 point and takes 3 years to get them points back, the pricks are double dipping, but they don't tell you that till after you pay the fine.
If you lose all your 12 points you get 3 months suspension or you can keep your license and have 1 point to last the 12 months but if you do that and lose that point you get 6 months suspension, it happened to me a few years ago I took the 3 months and after the 3 month you get all your 12 points back.
The fun police have taken over and they have also lowered the speed limits on most of our favorite roads we ride on all in the guise of road safety, but of course we know it's more making money for our state GOV, we also have the biggest fines in Aus.

Good looking collection of vintage bikes with their vintage owners. Nice to see the OIF Thunderbolt beening used…I have one just like it. I noticed your friends either have white hair or no hair.
Well we are all aging, Matty who arranged the ride is in 1/2 the pic with his white hair and beard, he got in the way as I took the pic lol, most of the guys I have been riding with for over 50 years now, we all left school at 15 and all got into bikes soon after, most of my friends are all greying, I still have my same red hair I grew up with and hasn't changed, I am now 66 years old, some of my mates ask if I dye my hair and they get upset when I say it's still all natural lol.
There were 4 BSAs on this ride, 2 old Indians and a few old school Harley's, mine was the only Norton but quite a few old Triumphs twins and Tridents, a few more bikes were supposed to come as well but just didn't turn up when we all met at Matty's place.

Good going with the kick start bikes. I managed it until I turned 69. And then a year or so ago I dropped my DR650 on a bit of gravel and stuffed up my other knee. So definitely push button for me now unless it's a real emergency. Then I get to limp about for a couple of days. 🤣🤣🤣

For 55 years I swore I'd never need a kick-start on my Commando. But bad genetics got me in the end. Thanks mum. She could barely walk at 67.

Heavy fines for not very high limits is a real turnoff. For a time I rode my Ducati 900 SS and that was a disaster on the road for getting tickets. Cops love a red Italian sports bike.

So I decided to go racing instead at the age of 47. That lasted until a major off. Don't beleive Acotrol. It's definitely possible to do significant damage on a track. 🤣🤣🤣🤣