GunKote spray on coating

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Oct 19, 2005
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They make a number of products but this is basic one to use inside cannon barrels on ships at sea. Thin enough to color yet not insulate heat loss. ... GUN_FINISH

GunKote spray on coating

Now you can easily apply the self-lubricating benefits of molybdenum disulfide to alloy steel, stainless steel, brass and aluminum, even properly prepared nickel plating, in just minutes. Prepare, clean and pre-heat your part to 100°, spray on Brownells GUN-KOTE and allow the part to dry. Bake the part in an oven at 300° for one hour and you’re done. You’ve protected the metal parts of your valuable firearm from rust, corrosion, and scratches with a beautiful finish that will wear for years and help keep your gun looking just like new.
I used a gunkote product to line the surface of a couple carb bodies and slides for a perfect non stick surface and nice tight fit. Had it on two carb for about 5 years now and no wear. Mine was a brush and bake on material.
Is this the same stuff that was being used to coat piston skirts? Wonder why you don't see much of that lately.
Looks like something you could use on those parts between the gearbox inner and outer cover to keep them from rusting. Maybe the AAU also. $40 is pretty steep, but if it works.... I don't think I'd put it in a gun barrel though.

I used Brownell's Teflon/Moly Oven Cure Gun Finish on a number of pieces when I assembled my 750 last winter. Basically anything that had been plated. Gearbox adjuster, iso end plates, coil mount, swingarm spindle end plates, etc, etc. It was cheaper and easier than sending them out to be plated and I was able to do a few bits at a time while I worked my way thru the bike. I used the "stainless" color and the finish looked pretty much like bead blasted aluminum. So far I am pleased with it and items that needed a wrench put to them held up fine. ... GUN_FINISH
Oh goodie more detailed stuff for me to try on both CDo's. Amals and Lake Injector must have this done, thank you bb220/Tim. Inside gear box - smack, oh yeah neat.
Its pretty thin going on barrels so make sure good and covered deep in fins.
I'm a bit confused on what product to use where, will have to call em soon.

This spray on stuff is epoxy like, not ceramic like, so not used in piston/bores or valve guides, but fine for lessor loaded surfaces. I used Swain Coatings for that.
You brought up boron in the diesel oil thread. There are a few coating products out there that offer boron nitride coatings for the DIY guy. Caswell Plating has a product and ZYP has a spray on.

There are a number of places that these products might be of some use. Carb slides, fork stantions, etc, etc. Did I mention swing arm pivots? Boron coating is becoming popular in the shooting world to reduce friction on bullet/bore interfaces. Seems like good territory for the Commando experimentalist.
Interesting - DIY dry friction coating. Castwells is a bit more equipment then i care to acquire/store fumble with. i'm holding out on boron in engine oil formula.
On past Peel I had about everything friction coated in tunssten dioxide by Dicronite brand name. Air jet applied at ambient temps but very dry conditions. Grey color coat that burnishes in with use but does wear off sides of pistons and soft Amal Slides I found. ... uction.pdf
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