getting rid of the turning signals

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hobot said:
Not to worry about it, ignore the ignorant that think traffic will not see you and your intentions w/o any stinking signal winkers. Bright brake light is all that required or needed.
That worked out well for swooshdave, didn't it? Even the bright yellow paint couldn't save him from being run in to.

Light 'em up I say! You can never be too visible.
No one takes any notice if you have turn signals or not car drivers just don't look when it involves motorcycles, but when I convered my Commando to a Featherbed in 1980 I never put the turn signals on as the 1957 Featherbed frame never had them, but when I change lanes I stick my leg out which ever way I am turning, many years ago I was booked for taking my hand off the handle bar :evil: so that is why I use my legs for turning signals, a copper once pulled me over for my leg signal and asked why I didn't use a hand signal, I told him isn't it illegal to take your hands off the handle bars :roll: , he nodded yes, he was very impress with my answer and said have a good day, as well I don't run a battery on my bike so they wouldn't work anyway :lol:

I may be both more nervous or more cavalier most and can't argue against signals but if someone can't see your profile and head light or tail light, one more winking ain't going help much if any, sad and really scary to let sink in. My 1st Combat had signals, gosh at least a dozen d/t crashes and other stuff and a good lot of the time with signals attached one of them usually failed. One of the most satisfying Cdo fixes was after trying to get the chrome layer to connect and tiny wires nailed down still would stay winking so in a fit of rage I smacked the snot out of the signal half hoping to just break it but instead worked at whole ride till next time out a good smack to work right. I had people sending me like a dozen used but intact signals plus the hand full I bought off ebay or vendor. still have two left to give away but not show condition just functional. One of the best things to be seen is white patch of something, helmet, hard bags or stolen motel towel I've seen freaked out long distant travalers pin on their sexy black luggage. Being a bit abrupt and slightly aggressive tend to get people subconscious attention to jerk their conscious attention on you. I try to hand signal ahead of time as usually need both hands to deal intersections. I like the leg out even if no one knows what the heck your doing, gets their attention.

To be real logical about being seen, a great device would be a whip with a flag and a light atop it like Ms Peel to match her bright milk crate. Strangely enough I usually only see women peddling cycles in lane with city traffic, but not many dudes. These gals are wearing shorts and sporting some nice legs even women notice. So to apply the best logic of human sense response, a naked inflated sex doll whose nipples and cheeks winked could save your life. Its how they avoid accidents at burning man. Same with under slung mirrors.

getting rid of the turning signals

getting rid of the turning signals
The first run took place on 14 November 1896, a wet Saturday.[3] Organised by Harry J. Lawson,[4] and named "The Emancipation Run", it was a celebration of the recently passed Locomotives on Highways Act 1896, which had replaced the restrictive Locomotive Acts of 1861, 1865 and 1878 and increased the speed limit to 14 mph (23 km/h). Since 1878 the speed limit had been 4 mph (6 km/h) in the county and 2 mph (3 km/h) in the town and an escort had been required to walk 20 yards (20 m) ahead of the vehicle. The 1865 act had required the escort to carry a red flag at a distance of 60 yards (50 m).[

Ya dunno how good yar gottit . :P refers ' London to Brighton ' Rallye .
Mark said:
hobot wrote:Not to worry about it, ignore the ignorant that think traffic will not see you and your intentions w/o any stinking signal winkers. Bright brake light is all that required or needed.

That worked out well for swooshdave, didn't it? Even the bright yellow paint couldn't save him from being run in to.

Light 'em up I say! You can never be too visible.

+1 for sure! When I'm coming home from work in the dark, with traffic behind me, I'm always happy to be able to flash a yellow TS light in addition to my single tail/stop lite. Is it possible some texting imbecile will someday miss them both and kill me?-sure. Is it more likely, however, that in any given instance the extra blinking light might save you from an accident? Yup. Nothing's 100% but why stack the deck?
I just got a set of these a few days ago. They're aluminum and they are dual filament so you can run them as running lights too. They don't list the watts but the blinker bulbs are a lot brighter than stock, they aren't LED. The lens is 1"x2", I think they will fit under the tank ala CNW pretty easily.

getting rid of the turning signals
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