If I was you I would take the addvice & by a factory manual, I have all three, the Hanes (ok ) even a rare old Chittons hard back and the factory manual. It's really the clearest and best one + you really do need MKiii specific stuff. And buy the whitworth sockets and wrenches. You will need them as soon as you get inside anything & even some stuff on the frame if I remember correctly. You don't have to buy high $ stuff. Don't worry about doing the Layshaft bearing, I mean DO do it before ridding any distance but it's not hard to do. I did mine with the trans still in the bike all from the right side. You don't have to dismantle the primary side unless your going to do more than just replace that bearing. And I would bet $ it has not been done so DO it. Mine had been replaced but the existing bearing was also worn so I was glad I did. You will hear horror stories from guys + gals who went down hard came close. Nice bike, I like those colors too. Good luck with the tank, I think I would start looking for a new one, rust is not good in the carbs and so far we've all had mixed results coating them due to the ethenol crap.