FullAuto Heads Update

the original head had a D shaped exhaust port...this port is the standard round port?
Delighted that you are carrying on with the Fullauto head especially the 850's.
This is an interesting thread, but....... please no further mention of the poison dwarf. I cannot collate rational thought after I saw that and Its impossible to unthink her now.

???? I'm almost afraid to ask, but who is the poison dwarf? And what was it that you saw and can't unthink? Is this some sort of cultural thing that Im just missing? No offense meant. I'm just curious.

???? I'm almost afraid to ask, but who is the poison dwarf? And what was it that you saw and can't unthink? Is this some sort of cultural thing that Im just missing? No offense meant. I'm just curious.

I believe he is referring to the bain of all things internal combustion- Ms. Thunberg
FullAuto Heads Update
Only a personal viewpoint, but on the whole I like it when we stick to things Norton, with humorous off tracks. When it gets political, we may end up agreeing to disagree, but there may be grudges held.

If I wanted unbiased facts and advice on climate change, I'd be a bit daft to go to a bunch of old petrolheads on a classic motorbike forum to get it. :)