Full rebuild wiring problems,

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Nov 23, 2017
Hi, I'm in the process of a full rebuild for my 72 750 Commando and I bought a new main harness and a new headlamp harness. I upgraded to Pazon, got a single coil from CNW and I think my handle bar controls are kaput. My right one had no wiring just the inside controls so I bought a replacement loom and re- soldered it but I'm still having issues. OK. ..to my question. Who else besides Sparx makes replacement controls that will fit my harness. I know CNW has a RH one but do they make a LH one? Options?
Did you try cleaning up the contacts? Open them up,collect the spring and ball. Clean them in an ultrasonic cleaner or with some contact spray, maybe some gentle passes with fine sand paper. Operate them and check the contact is being made, bend things a little if necessary. Assemble, test, then polish up the outside. The ball and spring can little tricky putting it back together but they look better than replacements
I did, used contact cleaner, even bought a new kit to replace all springs and balls. Lol. Balls. I bought a ignition switch replica from Steadfast and I'm having a hard time re-wiring the bike. My replica is defective, only the 3Rd position works. Ordered a real one from Andover (maybe this will fix my problems) but I just want to eliminate all possible wiring issues. I'd love to keep the shell and replace the inner components but I don't think that's an option?
K & S makes switch gear in a number of configurations (http://www.kandstech.com/) quite a bit more water resistant than the OE Lucas parts and reeks of high quality, not real pricey.

I haven't looked recently, but I'd guess that Sparx switch gear is out there, given the relative simplicity of the design they are, probably, as good as the OE Lucas parts, and, if I have gauged the average age of forum members correctly, what ever is used, if wired correctly and kept out of the sun/rain, will outlive the owner...
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