Front Drum Brake Cable Recommendation

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Nov 11, 2012
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Looking for a cable to fit a Commando front drum brake, length suitable for clip-on bars. Looking to minimize excess cable loops or slop. Any vendors carry them pre-made and what length seems to work well?

A few years ago I bought a Venhill kit (toolbox) so that I can make my own.
Very good quality with teflon liners, etc. Makes both sizes of cable (eg: throttle/choke and clutch/brake).
I highly recommend them!

If you do go down this path, for safety's sake, make sure you "birds nest" the larger cables.
Unless there is something off the shelf somewhere that will work with the clips on you have it would be hope for the best ?

I looked at RGM and Feked, they do not seem to have anything beyond standard handle bar fitment lengths, that might leave Barnett cables / USA.

As long as the measurements supplied to them are accurate, that might be a source for a perfect custom fit cable.

I would not waste my time as far as anything custom after finding this company (in AU)
Make a drawing, wait by the mail box.

With a front brake cable, the option is also there to have the brake switch elsewhere. (more work)

I will get them to make some custom pull cables for my rollerised throttle gantry in the new year.
Thanks all. I do plan on having the brake light activated by the rear brake. Wish there was something like the suggested company here in the States. Part of the problem is the necessary brake adjuster that mounts at the hub that is the correct thread.

Any ideas about inner/outer cable lengths?
Wish there was something like the suggested company here in the States.

There is, Barnett as per the link in Post #3.
They even do a HD front cable with no switch for early Moto Guzzi's which was a custom order (by one of the stalwarts in the USA)

An email query to them would soon tell you what they can or can not do Norton wise.
That or Venhill in the UK, all that might be needed is a length reduction and that could be based off a stock length cable.
Found them - base on the Magura normally closed switch
Front Drum Brake Cable RecommendationFront Drum Brake Cable RecommendationFront Drum Brake Cable RecommendationFront Drum Brake Cable RecommendationFront Drum Brake Cable RecommendationFront Drum Brake Cable RecommendationFront Drum Brake Cable RecommendationFront Drum Brake Cable Recommendation
Found them - base on the Magura normally closed switch

I got that same switch (in AU) after reading your old post to replace the inline switch Moto Guzzi front cable with a non switched.
Rob, that mod is really ingenious and will consider it.

TW, sorry, missed that part. Barnett is closed until after the first of the year. Don’t know why I didn’t think of them for stuff other than clutches.

Saw this set up and considering it. Never used one of these with a cable clamp at the end. Not sure what to think of them safety wise.

A few years ago I bought a Venhill kit (toolbox) so that I can make my own.
Very good quality with teflon liners, etc. Makes both sizes of cable (eg: throttle/choke and clutch/brake).
I highly recommend them!

If you do go down this path, for safety's sake, make sure you "birds nest" the larger cables.
Does the kit come with a bird nesting tool? Is that tool available anywhere?
Does the kit come with a bird nesting tool? Is that tool available anywhere?

Does the kit come with a bird nesting tool? Is that tool available anywhere?
No - but I'm not sure you need one. All you have to do is splay the wires out (small long-nosed pliers) once the nipple is on then pour in the solder (I used 60% tin/ 40% lead - stronger than electrical stuff). Once cool cut off and file/grind the pieces sticking out of the solder.
BTW I used an electric melting pot similar to and drilled a ceramic floor tile to hold/insulate the nipple being worked on - small propane torch to preheat the nipple to ensure the solder doesn't freeze on the way in.
As long as the solder holds the wire splayed out (which it has to) there is no way the nipple will pull off.
Or you could buy what @Fast Eddie posted above - I hadn't seen those before.
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