Front and rear disc brakes on same side.

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Jan 1, 2005
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I recently purchased a used but complete front disc brake set up with a Grimeca caliper, master cylinder and larger floating disc with all the needed hardware. This was taken off of a '74 Commando (right side install) and I want to install it on my '75 MKIII which is mounted on the left side.
My question is: Will it make any difference balance-wise if both front and rears are on the same side of the bike.
Ride On (and stop)
I have had both front and rear brakes on the right side of my Interstate since I built it 15 years ago. Never any issue. I also have never heard any valid reasoning why it would upset the balance.
It's two wheels not four, so how could it matter? A sound question when in doubt.
It's two wheels not four, so how could it matter?

Threaded bearing retainers on the left-hand side of a motorcycle wheel are normally right-hand thread. Those on the right side have a left-hand thread.
I recently purchased a used but complete front disc brake set up with a Grimeca caliper, master cylinder and larger floating disc with all the needed hardware. This was taken off of a '74 Commando (right side install) and I want to install it on my '75 MKIII which is mounted on the left side.
My question is: Will it make any difference balance-wise if both front and rears are on the same side of the bike.

Why go to the trouble of moving the brake to the right?
Why not fit the disc and caliper on the left?
If a brake with a larger diameter disc is fitted on the right then the mudguard stay (of which the Mk3 only has the one) may not fit?
Why go to the trouble of moving the brake to the right?
Why not fit the disc and caliper on the left?
If a brake with a larger diameter disc is fitted on the right then the mudguard stay (of which the Mk3 only has the one) may not fit?

More for vanity and laziness then anything else.
The modified mudguard stay is included with the kit. Installed on the left side leaves the caliper very high above the axle, and not looking so tidy. the right side install keeps the brakes low below the axle and all the lines fittings and such are already there for the right side install.
According to the Old Britts parts diagrams the disc side spacer for the Mk3 and the pre-Mk3s has the same part number; the dust cover/spacer (opposite side) part numbers are different. I can't say it that translates to a different thickness or a different diameter and it may not be an issue.

The topic of right or left side disk brake has been covered in other posts, but not being an engineer I have to ask why Norton would go to the added expense of a making a new front hub for the Mk3 to locate the disk on the left if there wasn't a good reason, but as I mentioned, I am not an engineer and would not be inclined to second guess them; been burnt too many times---good judgement comes from bad judgement...Not to say that I don't have a pocket full of new mistakes waiting for an opportunity to rain on my parade.

Additionally I have fought with lacing/truing Norton disk front wheels and have come away with battle scars and waving a white flag. I wonder if reversing the direction of a Mk3 front wheel upsets the, magic to me, offsets or puts stress on spokes/nipples produced to rotate in a given direction??

If my concerns are irrelevant I apologize for burning disc space and your time. From the sounds of what you purchased I suspect that cNw or Madass has the fender stay that would keep the brake on the left side.

[QUOTE="From the sounds of what you purchased I suspect that cNw or Madass has the fender stay that would keep the brake on the left side.
When installed on the left side the caliper is above the axle line and in front of the fork so the fender stay is not in the way. The MKIII has only a fender stay at the rear.
CNW's original front brake upgrade had them on the right side, even for MkIII...
FWIW I checked out the Hinckley Bonnevilles and they have both discs on the left side.
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