Fork Spring Color Codes (2014)

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Oct 28, 2009
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I am sorting through a bunch of Commando fork damping rods and springs. Some of them have a dash of red paint on the end of the coil. Not sure about the others. The workshop manual says a red fork spring is rated at 36.5 pounds, and is 18.7 inches long.

Anybody know if other spring rates were available, and if these are colour coded?

Stephen Hill
Red is stock standard. I've seen yellow marked but don't know if lighter or stronger. May be other rate/colors but no one seems to offer them for a long time. Mick Hemmings may be best bet to contact if no one here nails it down.
Maybe they are used to "feel" like you are pulling a sidecar? ;>

Found this information in an older Classic Mechanics issue on rebuilding Roadholder forks and found this thread researching this same topic at this site.
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