Fork Oil: 150 or 180 c.c.'s?

Look at issues with Land Rover air suspension, seals still fail even on Porsche's with air suspension. That plus digressive damping from the advent of shim stacks working better with a constant spring rate has killed off 100% Air springs.
The "Three Amigos" of system failure lights on P38 RR's comes to mind...
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When I had my CRF250R, the forks were fitted with an air bleed from the factory. with regular use it was necessary to bleed the air from the forks daily. Failure to do so increased the stiffness of the ride and reduced the fork seal life.

Filled mine after new bush and seal refurb with 180cc of 15 weight after seeing the same video. All seems good to me.

Just realized my error and have corrected the oil viscosity number of the oil I used from 20 to 15.
AN just dropped a video stating they recommend 180 c.c. fork oil for a Commando vs the workshop guidance of 150 cc per leg...due to notes from racing experience at Thruxton and the 150 c.c. figure is also what the Domi's ran, but they have shorter damper rods than Commando.

What is the forum wisdom here?
Added 30 cc to each fork yesterday, Ran a 120-mile test ride today. Big improvement.
180 c.c. of 20w. Belray Fork oil in each , with new progressive wound springs , seals and new bushes . . . Suspension very good , Enjoy .
Why do you need to google, if air is hissing the forks are not sealed so the air pressure cannot build up enough to have an effect to create a preload, so as adding more oil will not seal the leaks the fork action is unchanged.
I'm not so sure about this. If air is hissing out, it's taking some time to do so. It probably wouldn't have that amount of time in normal usage. So while not fully airtight, I would think you would still get some level of air-spring effect - ?
I suppose there are also weight savings with no heavy springs needed. Wonder why no modern bikes have developed no spring forks?
A friend brought his POS 500cc Honda dual sport asking me to help him rebuild the front forks. I was ignorant of pressurized air in forks so, on disassembly I opened the fork drain screw of the first fork and received a full face/body spray of emulsified water/oil mix. Shit! So on further disassembly I find that there are no fork springs in the fork assemblies. He then told me that he had removed them and just added air pressure to hold them up. He had been riding like that for a while.
I completely stripped and refurbished my forks last year and added 180cc's of Morris 20wt.

It had the slowest of weeps from the bottom of the R/H fork bottom screw, which I finally got around to sorting today.

To make sure I have the same amount in each I have drained both legs and tomorrow will refill them.

Q. As the oil is only drained from the drain screw hole, I figure there will still be some left inside.

Should I refill with the full 180cc or a little less?
I completely stripped and refurbished my forks last year and added 180cc's of Morris 20wt.

It had the slowest of weeps from the bottom of the R/H fork bottom screw, which I finally got around to sorting today.

To make sure I have the same amount in each I have drained both legs and tomorrow will refill them.

Q. As the oil is only drained from the drain screw hole, I figure there will still be some left inside.

Should I refill with the full 180cc or a little less?
There will be more coating things than laying in the bottom. I would still stay with 180cc or maybe 179cc.