Forget the V4 - New Crighton CR700W

Yes , Back to old swept volume excuse. It would be great to see it race , they made an exception in the past didn't they at the IOM ? Or was that British Super bike ? And if the platform does dominate then they can ban it ! :)
Honda were most vocal in getting the Norton rotary banned from racing.
If you can’t beat them ban them..
Just like the AMA banned overhead camshaft engines in the dirt track series because the British bikes were making fools of Harley Davidson.
Honda were most vocal in getting the Norton rotary banned from racing.
If you can’t beat them ban them..
Just like the AMA banned overhead camshaft engines in the dirt track series because the British bikes were making fools of Harley Davidson.
Not surprising though in production series since no other companies made money building/selling rotaries.
But the AMA was notoriously in bed with HD.
When Honda decided to challenge HD on the dirt tracks with their RS750 V twin in the mid-80's, they kicked HD's ass six ways from Sunday for years. Then In '88 HD got the AMA to require carb restrictor plates to cripple the Honda's superior breathing 4-valve overhead cam design. Then HD was able to win again, and Honda checked out of dirt track competition.
Sad page in racing history.
Last time I looked there were a few rotary engine manufacturers. Engines in various outputs were offered, the one that sat in the palm of a hand and made 5HP looked like a large engine, only when I looked at the dimensions I realised it was so small. One company in the UK is looking at removing the oil from the exhaust so the engine can be used as a portable charger.
If they would run on hydrogen, that would be nice.
The most interesting part of this is that the engine appears to be available off-the-shelf from Rotron. Might even fit in a featherbed.:D

View attachment 82545

It's listed on their datasheet as the RT700CR, as shown on the attched .pdf file.


Why would you even think about putting a 225bhp modern engine in a featherbed frame?

Plenty aircooled rotary motors around
It would look a lot better also and a usable power more like how it should be for a f-bed frame. Here is a render I played with to see how it would look. I’ll post it shortly
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Last time I looked there were a few rotary engine manufacturers. Engines in various outputs were offered, the one that sat in the palm of a hand and made 5HP looked like a large engine, only when I looked at the dimensions I realised it was so small. One company in the UK is looking at removing the oil from the exhaust so the engine can be used as a portable charger.
If they would run on hydrogen, that would be nice.

Do a google search on rotary hybrid and also hydrogen Rotary’s. It’s perfect for rotary us.

I’m yet to confirm but feedback from the guys testing hydrogen rotary use are saying just 10% can reduce emissions by almost 50% and increase fuel economy.

I’ve got a hydrogen kit, it made for a Diesel engine makes gas on demand so no pressure chamber required. I’ve not fitted it to anything yet but it’s in my plans to try it out on a rotary motor.
Do a google search on rotary hybrid and also hydrogen Rotary’s. It’s perfect for rotary us.

I’m yet to confirm but feedback from the guys testing hydrogen rotary use are saying just 10% can reduce emissions by almost 50% and increase fuel economy.

I’ve got a hydrogen kit, it made for a Diesel engine makes gas on demand so no pressure chamber required. I’ve not fitted it to anything yet but it’s in my plans to try it out on a rotary motor.
the Crichton video says the combustion chamber shape is a lot different from previous version... a lot less squished at full compression(?) it seems from video, which might help with emissions?
OHHH ............ OOHHHHHH , be still my beating heart . Having owned a rotary in the past the thought of a special in a featherbed frame or even slotting it into my 961 sport so I could use the old engine as a table ornament has got me all excited. If you have never ridden a rotary belive me they really are something special in terms of smoothness, torque and smiles , can you imagine a 961 with better acceleration, total smoothness , and reliability. I used to have a party trick while it was on the centre stand of balancing a fifty pence piece on top of the tank and redlining it and the coin just sat there and never moved or fell over .o_O
There is no comparison between a F1 Sport and a 961. Despite being over thirty years old my Rotary is light years ahead of my 961.
The 961 has a place in my heart and will probably never sell it.
But at this present time it’s easier to get Rotary parts than 961 parts.
But isn’t it ironic that in the past Norton owners were prevented from being directors of future companies and may have served time and another owner may also serve time!!
Startright’s at Leeds UK.
Graham Willshaw is the man.
May have to be patient!
and good old Andover Norton.
Ah, I thought Startright's had stopped Rotary support, but good to know I'm mistaken. I met Graham on the IOM a few years ago in the WIZ Norton tent.
Total smoothness sounds bloody terrible. Its a bike, not a Bentley. For me, a bike should feel alive and scary, and nothing like an electric motor.
Yes , Back to old swept volume excuse. It would be great to see it race , they made an exception in the past didn't they at the IOM ? Or was that British Super bike ? And if the platform does dominate then they can ban it ! :)
If it'll be a crowd pleaser, they'll let it race. Bottom line of the regs for superbike and senior..


  • Forget the V4 - New Crighton CR700W
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Ah, I thought Startright's had stopped Rotary support, but good to know I'm mistaken. I met Graham on the IOM a few years ago in the WIZ Norton tent.
I think that he has mainly retired from the shop but works from home .
Total smoothness sounds bloody terrible. Its a bike, not a Bentley. For me, a bike should feel alive and scary, and nothing like an electric motor.
Not sure how to reply without being rude,
As the owner of both you put me in quandary.
Yes the Rotary is smooth but mine is far from quiet and nothing like an electric motor.
The 961 needs loud pipes to drown out the engine noise..
and to feel alive everything happens so much quicker on a rotary.
Both bikes are very different and you have your opinion.
Rightly or wrongly.
Its not right or wrong, its an opinion. You like smooth engines, where as I dont find much excitement from something so smooth that my pocket change will stand up on it when being revved up. I find inline 4s and V4s overly smooth..let alone a rotary. Much prefer the feel of a twin, whether v or parallel. Engine noise has nothing to do with feeling of a smooth engine. But, the figures of the OPs topic, certainly excite....that power to weight is mental.
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Its not right or wrong, its an opinion. You like smooth engines, where as I dont find much excitement from something so smooth that my pocket change will stand up on it when being revved up. But, the figures of the OPs topic, certainly excite....that power to weight is mental.
As I said earlier I own a 961 and very much like it’s lumpy (characterful) engine.
Variety is the spice of life and why choose when you can have both!