Flood wipes out bike shop

That’s hart breaking seeing that 850 totally flooded.
I've restored salt-water/mud flooded bikes. The key is speed - what a nightmare he has even if fresh water and mud. I tried PayPal but his email does not seem to have an account. Besides physical help, I'm sure he needs cleaning supplies and little bits of money from us could help wiht that. I've written asking him to open a PayPal account.
Sadly, I have seen more photos than that posted and I nearly cried when I saw them. Yes the bikes are covered and one bike on a raised workbench was also covered except the mirror heads. With the mud and flood level that high not only are the bikes flooded, but his workshop was what actually got me as it is also in need of many hours of work to recover it if that is his plan. Martin has been in touch and we will of course help where we can.
Though I have never met Martin, we have emailed and spoken on the phone on occasion, he also helped a friend at the Moto Piston Rally in Northern Spain whose bike was knocked over by a local pulling into a garage with trailer. For someone who clearly helps others at the drop of hat, I think it would be great if a 'go fund me' etc was set up as clearly the helper needs help. Hopefully he has willing hands locally to recover the workshop space, then I'm sure there is enough of us on here to far from Spain to help locally who could donate financially so he can recover the bikes as quickly as possible.