Flood Victim

Dropped the cylinders onto the pistons yesterday.

Flood Victim

Also cleaned the oil tank. There was just a little sludge in the very bottom. I suppose the bike sat long enough for all the oil in the tank to drain into the crankcase.

I'm mulling over whether to bolt the head on or wait until the engine is installed in the frame. I know it's easier to do it on the bench , but how cumbersome is it to drop a complete engine in a frame?
Dropping a complete engine into the frame is no problem. Easier with 2 people and also have the front ISO mount installed on to the engine so all you have to do is run the ISO bolt through the mount to complete the install.

What head gasket are you going to use? I used a 0.75 mm flame ring which leaked. AN now sells 1.0mm gaskets which work better.
freefly103 said:
Dropping a complete engine into the frame is no problem. Easier with 2 people and also have the front ISO mount installed on to the engine so all you have to do is run the ISO bolt through the mount to complete the install.

What head gasket are you going to use? I used a 0.75 mm flame ring which leaked. AN now sells 1.0mm gaskets which work better.

I have the 1 mm flame ring gasket from Andover by way of Old Britts. Also have a brand-new copper head gasket like I used on the SS clone, but I'll probably save that for the next time I have to pull the head.
Ok, engine assembled. Now I just have to find someplace out of the way to stash this lump until it's time to go home.

Flood Victim

As many of you will see, I reused as many fasteners as I could. Outer head bolts are new because the old ones were hopelessly rusted and I had a set laying in the bonepile.
Getting caught up until I can paint, so I took the primary drive off the SS clone to fix a leak and get some new wires put in the stator.

Flood Victim

Front brake overhaul is the only real job left until paint time, and I know you guys love pics.
Since I only took one pic of the bike when it arrived here, I got some more 'before' pics from Jimbo.

Flood Victim

Flood Victim
Flood Victim

Flood Victim

Flood Victim
A few more of the decrepitude

Flood Victim

Flood Victim

Flood Victim

Hopefully, the next pics you see here will be of painted black parts. Headed to Daytona for Bike Week on Friday.
Not much to report lately. I've been working on cleaning and priming the small black parts. Frame, cradle and front mount are next on that list.

Cleaning off the bench, I discovered a small thin washer and knew immediately I had left out a rocker shaft thrust washer. I enlisted the help of my grandson to get it back where it belongs.

First, the covers have to come off to find the washerless rocker.

Flood Victim

Then, a little judicious heat to the rocker shaft bores for that particular valve to ease pulling the shaft.

Flood Victim

Then, a little impromptu grinding, just to make some sparks'

Flood Victim

Then we had a flat to fix on the old car; ( i know, not motorcycle-related)

Flood Victim

Flood Victim
Cool Danno ! Thks for the pictures.

Our beloved bikes will stay in safe pair of hands after us.

Frame and all other black parts are primed and ready for paint. I sandblasted nearly everything but the stands. Amazingly, the factory paint on the engine cradle would hardly come off, so I left most of it. Hope to get the painting done this week and start reassembly. Maybe by the time it's done, I'll figure out a way to post more pics.
Danno said:
Maybe by the time it's done, I'll figure out a way to post more pics.
The best way, would be to become a premium member of the forum. This includes generous photo storage and posting capability.
Just terminated my VIP status. When a non-contributor can tell you that you don't have two brain cells to rub together, you're not important at all, much less very.
Danno said:
Just terminated my VIP status. When a non-contributor can tell you that you don't have two brain cells to rub together, you're not important at all, much less very.

Thats a shame, Danno. I wouldn't think it is very productive to determine's one self worth by a non-contributors' online comments. I, for one, find value in your posts.
Thanks for that, Dave. I'm painting the frame and parts tomorrow so I can set about making a bike out of boxes of parts. Been taking pics all along.
gortnipper said:
Danno said:
Just terminated my VIP status. When a non-contributor can tell you that you don't have two brain cells to rub together, you're not important at all, much less very.

Thats a shame, Danno. I wouldn't think it is very productive to determine's one self worth by a non-contributors' online comments. I, for one, find value in your posts.

Some people simply MUST be as they are, regardless of propriety.
Assholes are everywhere and I usually just to ignore them. Websites that do not restrain and/or eliminate their resident assholes tend to lose supporters and participants. I certainly don't use someone's opinion to gauge my own personal self-worth. I have encountered a lot of great people here, bought, sold, given away and received free parts from other members. But we're talking leaky old obsolete machinery here, not a cure for cancer. It's supposed to be fun. I'm certainly not gonna pay to be insulted.
Danno said:
Assholes are everywhere and I usually just to ignore them. Websites that do not restrain and/or eliminate their resident assholes tend to lose supporters and participants. I certainly don't use someone's opinion to gauge my own personal self-worth. I have encountered a lot of great people here, bought, sold, given away and received free parts from other members. But we're talking leaky old obsolete machinery here, not a cure for cancer. It's supposed to be fun. I'm certainly not gonna pay to be insulted.

Go to "Access Norton Control Panel" (link above the title of the thread, and under the Forum Names at the top left of the page)

Click on "Friends & Foes/Trolls" tab

Click on "Manage Foes"

Add the name of Foe you want to disappear from your life here on AN.

Hit "Submit" button.

Drink beer.
Frame and other black parts are painted. Assembly begins right after Labor Day.