First Ride of 2019...Thwarted

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Usually make it to Halloween and beyond before putting bikes away .... some time in April before on two wheels again ... the left coast does have some advantages , eh ..... Think Tornado is heading in right direction ... I really don’t like any of my bikes marking their spot ... so no leakers here .... Norton took a couple of whiles , to get joy ....
This wasn't a light leak...there was a fair puddle forming on the cement after a couple of minutes. A small river was noted from two of the covers. At least I know my oil pump seems in good shape, Eh!
This wasn't a light leak...there was a fair puddle forming on the cement after a couple of minutes. A small river was noted from two of the covers. At least I know my oil pump seems in good shape, Eh!
That's an amazing amount to leak? Maybe you tore the gaskets when you were fitting them?
I have never used gasket cement on those gaskets ,all you need is a smear of grease
Yup ..... your next attempt will fix it Tornado ! .... .... my fave is getting a spot dried up then couple days latter something else has a dribble , all lubs are now different colours so much easier to track down , than years gone by .... even though all my bikes for sale , I got that old can’t wait anticipation bad this year .... guess I better get the stickers for them and use ‘em while I still have ‘em ....
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UPDATE: First Shakedown Ride Completed!
Slapped the JS Motorsports silicone gaskets and single piece stainless cover plates (from Classic British Spares) on and no more leaks at startup. Took her out and about town for 30 minutes and all seems pretty good. Shifting is a bit stiffer than I recall it being....more force to go past neutral needed than prior to the tranny rebuild (new springs/bushes, bearings etc). Perhaps things just need a little bedding in? By end of ride things seemed to freeing up. Only real issue seems to be the throttle cable is once again giving variable RPM depending on which way I swing the handlebars. Goes to 2k when full right lock from just under 1k at centerline or full left lock. Had this issue earlier last year but got it sorted after futzing with cable routing. Must be the tank is bending the cable strangely or something. I could not sort it by just pushing/pulling cable along spine with tank in place.
Will check that...but recall I'm running the single amal here and that places the cable entry into carb top directly inline with the spine...forcing it to make a near 90 degree turn just about 1-1 1/2" after the carb top. Not ideal and rpm seems quite sensitive to how severe that bend is.
i added a 45deg bronze tube on top of the carb to help alleviate the bend problem
First Ride of 2019...Thwarted
Anaerobic sealant works well. The sealant only dries without air. The excess is alcohol based and doesn't harden. Thinner than the non hardening sealants.
Run the throttle cable through the headsteady and not around it.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

This was the whole problem. For unknown reasons, I must've changed the cable to run outside the headsteady during the 4 months of layover in a million pieces.

Though weather has been excellent this week, I have been battling a bad cold and unable to work on bike nor ride it. Should be good to go for a spin today...
Not so fast....seems despite correcting the throttle cable run and thus the throttle slide can now be felt striking the idle screw adjuster when releasing the throttle grip at all bar positions, I was still experiencing some rpm changes when turning bars lock to lock. While trundling along a road, decided to confirm if choke was fully open....when I pushed the choke lever, engine immediately seemed to trip up, as if throttle had been snapped shut. This despite the choke lever not noticeably moving further in its fully open position. I repeated the lever push and again engine tripped up. It was that time I noticed a cop car (undercover type) along side me so thought better than to keep messing about ;-)
Explanations for this? Poorly routed choke cable? Choke slider loose in the throttle slide so even a very small disturbance triggers weird air bypass to open momentarily or just throttle slider disturbance?

All these issues seemed to all but disappear after 20-30 minutes puttering about city streets...could not repeat them later in the ride.

I see you're based in Vancouver, BC. Will you be down for the Oyster Run this fall, in Anacortes? If so, drop me an e-mail ( and I'll come and find you. We live on the West side of town, near the WSF terminal for the San Juan ferries.

I see you're based in Vancouver, BC. Will you be down for the Oyster Run this fall, in Anacortes? If so, drop me an e-mail ( and I'll come and find you. We live on the West side of town, near the WSF terminal for the San Juan ferries.
Thx FD. Looks interesting...only 1 3/4 hrs from me. I'll keep it in mind for September.
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