Firing up the Monocoque Norton racer

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Best spend some more time doing remedial mathematics , eh Matt? Well , that - & some re-education on the old racist jibe routine.
& oh, yes - do tell us again about how fast your 7 league boots [powered by Shank`s pony] can go these days..L.O.L.
The space frame holds more attraction for me than the monocoque. I think the only times the norton beat the two strokes, it was raining.
slimslow, thanks for posting that. All sorts of fascinating details in those pics.

J.A.W. said:
Ah Matt, lets just let the facts run away with us for a momentino here shall we?
At Daytona,early `70s - J.P.N. went ~150mph on ~75hp vs Beezumph ~160 mph on ~85hp vs H2R ~180mph on ~100hp...
& as for "powerbands bloody useless" ah don`t think so..check out P.11 this pdf for a dyno chart of the mill Y.Du Hamel used to keep P. Williams`snot in check..

What's with the torque / horsepower crossing @ 7250? 2000 above 5250.
Magic motor??????????????
Ya know, my S sounds just like that when I start it up.

Ja, sure cow manure. My wife's from MN.

Legendary Racing Motorcycles by M.Duckworth & A. Seeley P.100, lists [? data validity] the `73 J.P.N. Mono` - as capable of 155mph on 76hp @ 7,200rpm [longstroke/33mm Concentrics/Rita ign/5-speed/ weighing 350lb.
Needs to run on saki .

The secret of the JPN was good 12 yr old Malt scotch Whiskey .

Stirred not Shaken .

" I think the only times the norton beat the two strokes, it was raining. " Mustve been a WET season . :P ... gustsample

" It won 12 international races and the I.o.M. formular 750 T T . "

Glad to see anything on the J P N Comandoes , as long as its not prattle .
Think you`ve got your poison sponsorships arse `bout face Matt, ol`chap, J.P. = John Player , fags...& J.W. = Johnny Walker , whisky...
So, 76hp @ 7,200rpm for the J.P.N. - which corresponds almost exactly with that H2R dyno graph,`cept the triple has `bout 2 more grand's worth of "bloody useless" torque left in its power band to do something... useful, Matt?
Link to one of the NMM pictures.... ... 51-800.jpg

I had a cylinder head like that from late '75 to '80, and I mean just like that.....machined on the side to fit this frame and the three allen bolt exhaust stub fittings...

Mine came via out of Thruxton and via the Experimental was 750 Short Stroke, fully hemi, with 34mm inlet ports done by John Baker....

Had one of those Luca Rita pickups and ignition box too, but on a modified standard timing cover, that came from Thruxton via Brize Norton....Tony Smith....

Now, list the things you should not have sold.....
You mean THIS .

Firing up the Monocoque Norton racer

Top Marks . Notta the bad .

just tripped over these , so will add .From Imola 1973 .might work .

Firing up the Monocoque Norton racer

fudge . ... otostream/ a few good shots here of Monocoque .
I don't know what the providence of the #8 bike is but the #13 bike at the bottom is most definitely not a forgery, it is the only completely original JPN Monocoque racer exactly as last raced by Dave Aldana.
OK , Hombre, there only room for onecocque `o the walk in this town, - reach for your provenance!
Number 8 bike is a 1973 monocoque replica built by a German bloke who also built a blue 1972 JPN replica and a 1974 spaceframe replica. The picture was taken at the Biker's Classics in Spa/Francorchamps.
cjandme said:
Matt, I don't recognize this one at all, what is this beauty?

Matt Spencer said:
You mean THIS .

Firing up the Monocoque Norton racer

It is the space frame bike that ran alongside the monocoque.....pretty much same geometry but much quicker to build.....which was important when you had Dave Croxford on the team.....have you seen the picture of his lamp standard as presented to him by Norman White?

You didn't think teh Italians had this idea all on their won do you 8)
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