fibreglass tank

Aug 23, 2015
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Hi again everyone I have recently had my fibreglass tank sealed and painted but still seem to be getting carb problems and they are both new any suggestions as I really would like to keep this now very expensive tank
fibreglass tank
You'll have to detail and describe what's been done on the carbs, and what they're doing now...
The carbs are both brand new, the problems are misfiring and bad uneven running, clean carbs will run fine for a day, the next problems again
If your tank is melting into the carbs and engine, you can't use it. Very sorry and all that. Get a metal tank.

Those tea strainers over the carb inlets don't filter the air and will be seriously restrictive at speed, making the mixture too rich.
Is it an old 60's original tank or a modern repro?

I had an original 60s job that looked just like that. The material was incredibly thick, but it was made out of strange stuff, it looked like it had chalk in it! Even before the dreaded ethonal, paint bubbled up as petrol are through it!

Maybe the liner material you used was not good? Maybe it has not covered properly?

Your tank melting into the fuel certainly seems like you're most likely issue.

And TT is totally right about those tea strainers BTW...
It is an old tank which I thought I had sealed successfully but obviously not, so I imagine this tank that I like the look of so much is now very expensive dustbin material and I need to go for an alloy one does anyone know if they are available with bolt on fittings for a slimline frame otherwise I will have to move the rear cross strut to accommodate the strap for the tank top any suggestions gratefully received Chris
Hi again everyone the problem is now solved the new carbs were wassell I have now changed them for amal and all the problems have gone
Triton Thrasher said:
If your tank is melting into the carbs and engine, you can't use it. Very sorry and all that. Get a metal tank.

Those tea strainers over the carb inlets don't filter the air and will be seriously restrictive at speed, making the mixture too rich.

The tea strainers are to stop the induction of small children while passing
chrisf1 said:
Triton Thrasher said:
If your tank is melting into the carbs and engine, you can't use it. Very sorry and all that. Get a metal tank.

Those tea strainers over the carb inlets don't filter the air and will be seriously restrictive at speed, making the mixture too rich.

The tea strainers are to stop the induction of small children while passing

I think we understand that.

The trouble is, they really do screw up the intake. And on top of that, whilst they may filter out small children, they do allow in vast quantities of particles intent on eroding your engine!

If that does not bother you, you are far better off with decent, open, velocity stacks.

If it does bother you, you are far better off with a K&N type, or Pipercross foam type filter.

Either way, Tea strainers neither flow well or filter well, and thus, do not belong!
Well I have tried and failed the tank has now sprung a leak so it will now become garage art and I have to source an alloy one can anyone tell me will a wideline tank fit my 1960 slimline because all those I have seen advertised are for widelines and everyone on the net is talking months for delivery plus ridiculous prices and I cannot lose a third summer or even better if anyone has a good used one I would love to be the buyer many thanks Chris
PS what is so terrible about the Indian tanks