fastback seat and tail section fitting

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Sep 10, 2012
I just received an new Leighton seat for my fastback restoration and am having a hard time fitting it properly. At first my thought was that the rear frame loop had sagged, so I fitted the seat and tail section off the bike with the same results. I have attached two pictures for inspection. Looks like the seat pan does not have the proper bend/contour? Thoughts????????? Can't figure out how to post pictures, but there is a half inch gap on the left and right sides. PM me on how to post pictures. I tried to create an album, but no luck. ... f.jpg.html ... 7.jpg.html
Don't know if you can post pics directly here - most seem to link to their pics on a photobucket etc site. Post your pics there, note the link details, click the image button above and post the link in there. There is probably a drag and drop simple way of doing that - maybe ??
Half way between your belt and your right foot , you should find your knee . Just up from theres the Thigh Bone .

The Real Fastback seat is just flat tin , aft of the seat clips . The silly cover / foam give it a whole new slant .
So If you know some big mutha , get them to bounce up and down on it fitted , or better still do so I.o.M. practise ,
with them pillion . Landings , Jumps , bonces and the like , Failing this , put it over your Knee , and Massage ( The seat ) .
I bought the same seat from R.K. and it fit very well on my fastback.

You are going to have to post pictures. The "Technical Help" section gives clear instructions on how to post pictures.

fastback seat and tail section fitting
fastback seat and tail section fitting

fastback seat and tail section fitting

If that's a real rear fairing, I'd say there's something wrong with the seat. But I have no experience with the FB.

Pictures Above ..

There appears to be a problem, Id have a word to someone about that . :lol: :oops: .

:? Is the COVER Just Glued to the Base ? undearneath . ( No rivets or tangs ) . Might be esier to take it off to recurve base .

The base is / was ( On the L.R. ) a flat sheet curved , behind the mount tangs . So recurveing its not to hard.Cover Off .
tHAT covers NOT all tight and Tensioning it into 'overcurved 'as Id assumed . Quite the opposite . Pan'll bend over your knee / thigh . OR a Log , round post , gate rail , whatever .

Looks like youd get a better cover fit , if youre useing that one , by reataching it AFTER youve dialed in the seat base to the Tailfairing .

Often a new covers as tough as old boots and takes a bit of use to soften up . ARMOURALL would soften it , but might muck up Glue Adhesion if done previous .
Seems a shame to have to re-do a new seat that I just paid $300.00 for. I have a friend who is a cracker-jack upolsterer that could help me out, so no worries there. I'm just sorting details with my supplier whom I've had excellent dealings with in the past.

Since actual fastbacks are not that common, the seat curvature problem does not get that much "press".
This same problem happened to me almost 20 years ago.
My cure was to pull the upholstery off, demanufacture the internal rear brace, recurve the pans curve to match the tail section then respot weld the internal brace to hold the new curve in place. then reassemble. fits cosmetically perfect now.

The maiden voyage for the fastback bodywork (on my combat) was to the INOA ?95 NY grape country lakes region rally.
The seat looked good, but on the road I got about 75 miles and my butt was KILLING me. Not a good trip from boston to central NY.
The seat needs refoaming since it was way to soft. It has not been used again since then. $175 bucks down the drain.Which was full retail back then....
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