Experiences: TriSpark Alton Alternator PODTronics = Bad combination

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Aug 14, 2017
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I'd like to share my experiences regarding the combination: TriSpark Alton Alternator PODTronics POD-1P-MAX.

Setup my Norton: Alternator / E-Starter ALTON, Battery 20Ah, AGM Type, Single Amal carb MKII, Trispark electronic ignition.

After a problem by a Boyer Power box and Alton aternator caused by a bad connection between alternator / rectifier I have replaced the Boyer by PODtronics.

I rememeber that one memeber here figured out issues by combying TriSpark and Podtronics.

Last weekend I've done some tests.

With podtronics it feels like the Motor have an issue by carburator. Less performance, feels like motor have not enough gas. Sometimes motor stucks and runs not free.

So I replaced Podtronics by the Boyer Powerbox and the issue disappear!

Means: before I have from 2000 rpm on that issue, by Boyer nothing!

Batteryis loaded well after my ride. I checked that by meter.

Just my experiences. Maybe this helps people whor have issues by that combination.

Regards Lorenz
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Yes, well known and documented issue. I tried the TriSpark filter with my PODtronics, and that did not fix it either.

Ended up going back to a rectifier and Zener diode (they were sitting on the shelf, was sick of throwing money at the issue) - Problem solved, best alternator performance of all options that I have tried.

Not all PODtronics are created equal - the main issue with the TriSpark is created by the 200w version, the lower wattage version apparently does not create an issue.

With the highest possible output of the alternator advertised at 150 watts, I had elected to go with the 200w version and suffered the consequences.

The 150 watt output of the Alton Alternator is quite optimistic in my opinion, and does not warrant installing the higher wattage PODtronic.

So yes, it is quite possible that Mike has never had an issue with his combo.

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