Ethanol - new study finds....

They found the same with EV cars, the tailpipe emissions are not there, however because of the extra weight of the batteries the brake and tyre dust increases resulting in little net difference. Couple that with the mining pollution and danger to workforce and it becomes an environmental disaster. All these Green schemes end up doing the opposite of what they intend, but the virtue is high so they just replace one mad scheme with another.

There is one local council that has a Green Party majority in the UK, because they do not live in the normal world they actually have the worst Council record for waste recycling when it should have the best. All talk and no action, faction fighting seems to be their favourite pursuit.
I Aussie land the greens there big thing is going electric cars etc and how much it be better for enviroment etc etc but here our power is produced by coal fired power stations mostly, so more power for charging electric cars more coal burning.
All too typical of the entire eco-weenie fiasco.

The WORST part about all of it is, WE, the taxpayers subsidize this insanity.

Wasn't the rallying cry at one time: 'No taxation without representation'??

I sometimes wonder if we shouldn't now go with: 'No representation without taxation'
Ethanol sucks. One of the main reasons it was developed was to validate subsidizing farming operations which at the time needed the help and to satisfy the eco mandates of specific voting groups.
You won't find any farmers running Ethanol in any of their motorized equipment except maybe in their pickup or moms minivan.
I know I replaced a lot of hoses and gaskets because of that dreadful stuff.

So often, and so quickly well intended ideas become the tools of political manipulation, social stance and mandated mindset.
Logic, reason and accountability always seem to be in the way of those bold politicians out to save you from yourself.
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From what I have read they still have not found a satisfactory way to recycle the batteries in electric cars. Sounds like more "nuclear" waste will be buried in the deserts and under mountains!
Yup. I really can’t understand why this isn’t higher on the agenda. The batteries in EVs are actually getting bigger and bigger as manufacturers seek greater range due to customer demand to reduce ‘range anxiety’.

Thats why they’re not going down the ‘standard size / easily swappable’ route (I recently discovered this from talking to a large automotive OEM).

But it means that the batteries are getting freakin’ huge. And they’re mounted in equally freakin’ huge ‘battery trays‘ that are now large structural members of the chassis.

Swapping these out in future is gonna be a huge and expensive job.

Safe / environmentally friendly disposal of these huge battery packs is gonna be a nightmare.

Whereas… by contrast… an ICE is infinitely 100% (or very close to) recyclable… And they will outlast batteries by many times before becoming recycled.
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I wonder if that fire on the car transporter ferry (Volkswagen to USA) is, in fact, a very big version of the infamous Samsung overcrowded phone (LIPO battery) fires a few years ago?
Apparently the crew has been evacuated meaning they're probably waiting for it to burn out and sink.
I wonder if that fire on the car transporter ferry (Volkswagen to USA) is, in fact, a very big version of the infamous Samsung overcrowded phone (LIPO battery) fires a few years ago?
Apparently the crew has been evacuated meaning they're probably waiting for it to burn out and sink.

Swapping these out in future is gonna be a huge and expensive job.

Safe / environmentally friendly disposal of these huge battery packs is gonna be a nightmare.

It already already is.
The electric power source scenario has been so deeply invested in economically and politically on so many levels there is no turning least not in the US.

Why did the industry ever turn away from alternate fuel sources for internal combustion?
Natural gas (what could be greener or cleaner, straight from the earth) propane and hydrogen all combust to a virtually carbonless state, especially when compared against my favorite, Ethanol.
In addition modern day automobile/ICE emissions are impressively clean burning especially when compared to what an ICE was emitting 25 years ago.

I know i sound like a broken record, for those that remember what a record player is, but as always be it health care or future power sources, once the politicians/do-gooders get wrapped into it say goodbye to common sense.

Leave it to the Japanese to end run the ever popular twitter mandates and adopt a more progressive and sensible stance on a clean burning ICE with limitless fuel.
This engine/fuel combination exhausts water vapor.

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