electrics thread/link please

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maylar said:
namibchris said:
So let me get this straight. There is little or no improvement in headlight brightness and the main benifit is the ase of using LED indicators. Otherwise little overall change in how the electrical system will work. In which case it seems to me given my overall goal of solid performance it makes more sense to upgrade ignition rather then polarity. The wiring harness on this bike is a mess so I was simply going to buy a aftermarket harness.

Any thoughts on a reasonably priced ignition replacement/upgrade?

Still raining her in the desert.

Chris in Omaruru

The first thing to think about is replacing the alternator and charging system. The hot setup is a 3 phase stator, 180 or 200 watts. Search here for "Sparx" or "3 phase" and you'll see what others have done. When you replace the harness and install a new charging system you can make the choice of positive or negative ground. The ignition choices are numerous.. Boyer is probably the cheapest. Sparx, Pazon, Lucas, and Tri-Spark are other brands. Everyone has their favorite, and they all work.

I'll have a look at all but Lucas, have an aversion to them, an old joke here, "Hey, you know why the Brits drink warm beer?"

"Because Lucas builds their refrigerators"
...this looks suspiciously like a refracted contabulator curcuit, stabilized by restabilzied anti-ions......For Holy Water, I always use WD-40
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
slupdawg said:
Here's a general schematic I've been working on. Feel free to use it:

electrics thread/link please

Great Stuff!
Are you finally having one of those LSD flashbacks we were warned about thirty five years ago? Or did you just start the schematic back then?
Funny thing, it makes perfect sense!
The flux capacitor is wired for PARALLEL output, should be SERIES output.

Check the polarity on the tear collector, it's opposite the holy water receptacle. Mix up those two and you have a problem of biblical proportions.
Well there's still no sign of the kid or the mini bike. Funny thing is the kids parents havn't called the cops & actually look happier than I've ever seen them before. the step dad just put up some flyers asking if anyone has seen the mini bike but I think it's gone, after all we did let all the smoke out.
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