Is the ign switch original? When I first got my MKII 850, still on points, it had hard starting issues. Turned out to be a poor contact within the original switch. There are threads shows a refurb procedure, but I just renewed with aftermarket pattern Emgo and solved the issue. Now on a Wassell EI, a boyer clone, new Premiers. Be sure to thoroughly go through the new carbs, lost of reports of debris in the idle circuit drillings on new units so that will give you issues. Note there is a change from older Amal's for setting fuel levels, as found on burlen web site. You are best to set actual fuel levels,not just the float position. Done using a clear hose off a spare bowl drain cap with a spigot fitted. Hold the hose against the bowl/body gasket flange and see where fuel level aligns with. I think it was supposed to be right at top of bowl line?
Have you confirmed the timing scale is accurate via a degree wheel on the rotor with outer primary case off and a piston stop in #1 plug hole? Mine was off nearly 1 degree, others report 3-4 degrees off.
How is the electrical grounding of your boyer? Many owners run a direct ground line from boyer to battery and another from engine clynder head/head steady bracket to battery.
How is your intake manifold balance hose? Leaks there can make for a rough idle and may give hard starts.
Btw the Amal guide that came with my new carb set states to crack open throttle at kicking. Works well for my bike. I am running with needle clips in lowest notch to lift needle/richen its flow, has helped general running but I'm on first over bore which may like a bit more richness.