Did the early Commando points behind the cylinder models have the auto advance unit under the points plate or in the timing chest identical to the magneto models?
Did the early Commando points behind the cylinder models have the auto advance unit under the points plate or in the timing chest identical to the magneto models?
It's in the "distributor" (their name for it!) under (behind) the points plate, although the early Commando manual contains a number of Atlas photos (and drawings) which shows the magneto AAU inside the timing chest.
So will a magneto and magneto type AAU fit right into these early models?
And what kind of "distributor" sprocket did they have wihout the mag type AAU - just a plain sprocket for a tapered shaft? Would that fixed sprocket fit a mag?
So will a magneto and magneto type AAU fit right into these early models?
And what kind of "distributor" sprocket did they have wihout the mag type AAU - just a plain sprocket for a tapered shaft? Would that fixed sprocket fit a mag?
Yes, a Lucas magneto with AAU will bolt in. The original points housing has a straight shaft and plain sprocket with a roll pin to attach the two. This is the same set up as the late '68 Atlas (with concentrics) and the P11's.
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