hobot said:I had look at shaft with a cut out method to press exhaust rocker down a tad.
Looks like its possible to do. Rocker arms stand above the cover gasket surface ~1/4" where the tallest part of rocker ach is. So shaft would have to cross rocker boxes about .8" below the top cover stud. Actuating lever would go rotate along side of head, lifting up sticking forward to press on valve then flopped forward to lay down almost vertical tucked in close to head for a tiddy device.
No oil passage on valve side of rocker so some metal could be removed if needed.
Main issue I ponder is if the two small studs and ridgidity of the rocker covers could take the spring force to hold valve open slightly and still seal or not break.
Space for shaft must be made, either just drilled through cover or by a half nip out of head and cover. Don't know how to seal shaft ports. Advice accepted.
Wonder if valve gap can be diddled to both lower kick force yet still start and run long enough to lower releases in time. May be able to kick engine over with the long duration over lapped cam, but don't think it'll be much help going by the starting efforts of racers with similar aggressive cams and CR.
Would have to start with too much gap to run then file and try file and try file and try till either works as hoped or becomes too hard to kick and start, ugh.
The Husaberg (and the KTM since its a copy