Do you take your helmet with you?


Feb 26, 2017
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In my other life l used to leave my helmet on my bike without a second thought. Now, no.
I saw two Harley’s parked in the lot of a mall a couple days ago and the riders had left their helmets sitting on the ground next to the bike.
I thought that was nuts but maybe they believe in positive karma.

Do you carry yours with you? Lock it on your bike?
In this day, there is just no way I am going to leave such a personal and expensive piece of gear like my helmet laid out for an easy grab by some douchebag.
While I have no interest trying another’s helmet on ( like borrowing a toothbrush ) I do keep my helmet with me .... as there are folks who would wear it ..... who buys used helmets anyway ....
I have several helmets. If using a cheap one ($200) I leave it on the bike. If using an expensive one ($500)
I take it with me. It's all about what I feel I can afford to lose. Douchebags steal just to steal whether or not
they can use or sell the item. Bikers don't steal other bikers helmets.
For me , due to location .... very small population in our Province , there are places where you can confidently leave your lid on your bike , other places no way ... there are still some rural folks who would not allow a thief to take anything off a bike and walk away with it ... I have had folks walk into cafe and say who owns the Commando , then pass me my keys ....
My two up/touring bike is a 2016 HD Roadking. On each of the crash bars I have installed locking helmet hooks that I took off of my previous 2001 Roadking. They work well and the only way to steal the helmet is to cut the chin strap. In the 125,000 miles that I've used these hooks none of my helmets have been high jacked. Some scum bag in Portland, OR. did dump the remains of his latte in one of our helmets. A friend has the same hook system on his Harley and came out of a restaurant just as a naughty dog was finishing up his morning whizz. That helmet immediately went into the restaurants dumpster. My Norton doesn't have anywhere to fasten lockable hooks so the helmet always go with me. Couldn't stand to see my Arai become someone else's.
It used to be that way here when I was growing up. No longer, but still lots of great folks around.
Depends on the location. In public places I either lock the helmet on the bike (bike bracket or cable lock) or take it with me, depending on the circumstances. If I'll be walking around for a while, I'll usually leave it on the bike. If sitting where I can set the helmet down, I might take it in with me. If in a restaurant where I can watch the bike, I'll frequently leave both helmet and jacket on the bike. On the other hand, I haven't owned an expensive helmet for a long time, so the risk isn't so high for me. I buy a plain white Snell approved helmet every 5 years, and usually pay something around $150. That gives me one helmet good for both street riding and approved for landspeed racing.

I where Shoei , always bottom rung , got a RS-SR or something last fall on clearance sale $290 OTD , before that it was a Qwest about same price .... still would hate to have my helmet stolen .... as they say , would be a long walk home ....
When out on the bike I never leave my bike far from me so its always safe when I leave my helmet on the bike and my jacket, here in Australia its normaly safe to leave your helmet on the bike, yes we do have our scumbags around but they be more interested in stealing your bike or car, when riding I mostly wear my open face helmet local and only wear my other helmet when traveling or on very long rides, I don't even lock my back door to my house and the windows are always open, but my shed is fully serure when out or when asleep but if any body can get past my 2 cattle dogs they are very protective even when mates they know come around they always let me know when someone is down the front at the gate, its only the scumbag drugo's that you got to watch out for, real thieves are after bigger stuff.

While I have no interest trying another’s helmet on ( like borrowing a toothbrush ) I do keep my helmet with me .... as there are folks who would wear it ..... who buys used helmets anyway ....

The thieves don't wear the helmet, they PAWN it for some quick cash.

Poor students will happily buy a used helmet, especially when many new helmets cost over $500US.
Helmets in Canada reach $1700 plus 15% tax .... I was a poor student once and bought mine at Canadian Tire $20 .... being poor is no reason to lose your honour ....
That's not what I meant. The druggies steal the helmets. The poor students go to Pawn Shops for a deal on a used helmet.
Okay , gotch ya ! ..... the Ducati came with a helmet loop for hanging lid off frame , got to remove seat to accomplish , if the side bags are on , no deal .... wish helmet locks were a standard feature as has been mentioned earlier .... sometimes it awkward showing up in busy cafe with helmet and jacket to find space for ... also wish theft wasn’t so common in some places .... usually stay well away from city so usually not too concerned , but still .....
How to take the mounted lock off in the future if the screws are tamper proof?
Don't think HD riders think this thing through. :cool:
Maybe substitute star drive screws? Most thieves don't carry star screw drivers
in their pocket.
I use these. You can get any length you want. Usually they can be secured under the seat depending on the bike. The longer length you can run down the sleeve of your jacket and lock that also. If you chose to buy get the coated ones.
I guess that the idea behind the security screw is sorta self explanatory. I drilled the heads off of mine when I moved them to a different bike. Dremel would have worked well, also. Not too tough.