Actually I was wondering if it was a language issue. I'm sure there's some of that; but, I can detect no issues with your English writing so I have to assume you understand written English. You make less typos than me.
I'm English, but I have lived in France for 5 years since retiring. Only yesterday I received my permanent residence card. I lived/worked in Italy for the last 8 years of my working life with multinational suppliers and customers.
Prior to that, I worked for a French company for 7 years, during which I worked multinational research and study programmes across Europe and with NATO.
I speak a little French, apparently with an Italian accent! My biggest problem is understanding more of it because I am very deaf these days. I have forgotten most of my Italian, but it should come flooding back with a restaurant menu in my hands.
At one time I lived/worked in the US. I have also spent a lot of time working with Canadians, and several European nationalities. All of my career was in aerospace, mainly flight simulation and pilot training systems, with some technician and engineer training systems thrown in.
My working life included a lot of document writing for multinational/multidiscipline audiences, leading technical workgroups, and chairing mainly technical meetings. When I retired I was also the chairman of the specialist group addressing flight simulation and pilot training at the Royal Aeronautical Society. I worked with that group for over 15 years delivering a lot of multinational specialist conferences.
Whilst I grew up using British English and I still favour it, I have had to use mainly US English over a period of years.
Might have been nice on a CV a few years ago, but today none of this matters at all to anyone.
But it does make me who I am, which today is just a retired person playing with one '50s motorcycle, three '70s motorcycles and a '50s car (saloon in my language, sedan in yours).
I try to write as appropriate for a motorcycle forum readership, I sometimes miss the mark! (Witness this post).
I make fewer typos because I go back and edit my stuff! It's habitual. I also use a real time spelling and grammar checker.