Cool lifter design I stumbled onto...

You've got to watch that late night math calculation, John. I'm pretty sure you are talking about 7,000x1.6/1.13 = 9,911 (~10,000) rpm, but that's not quite how it came out in your post :lol:

lcrken said:
You've got to watch that late night math calculation, John. I'm pretty sure you are talking about 7,000x1.6/1.13 = 9,911 (~10,000) rpm, but that's not quite how it came out in your post :lol:


I thought I bounded my analysis by the universe by the qualifying statement "So doing some really (and I mean really) crude (call it half ass) parametric analysis here"

So 13% is well within the bounds of the universe :D but thanks for pointing out my error by omission. I was only through my first cup-o-joe when I typed that out so that is my excuse.