Compression Release


Jan 2, 2013
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Has anyone tried fitting a compression release to an Atlas or hybrid to ease kickover?

Any suggestions on how to....?

Chainsaw decompression unit screwed into side of head, make sure the final hole into the combustion chamber is smaller than the head on the end of the decompressor. The heads come off and with a smaller hole to go though can't get into the combustion chamber and bounce around.

Compression Release

You push the black knob in to open the valve prior to kicking, when the engine fires the combustion pressure forces the valve shut restoring full compression.

Someone elses version installed. From this thread

Compression Release
The compression release on both of my stihl .090's is not automatic closing one like the one pictured above. Mine are spring loaded, and located so you "thumb" it when you hold the saw's handle bar, while you pull the start rope with the other hand. It's on a single piston 2 stroke, so you get more inertia built up from a few compression free cycles before you release the button. It takes a lot of practice to get the timing down. In the case of the .090's I don't think a human being could start that engine without the compression release. Maybe a gorilla could start it, but not a man, so it does actually work on a 2 stroke single.

***When I've milled lumber in the past there's always been onlookers and rookies who were on the scene. Once a friend gave me his muscle boy employee to help mill a log he had. I asked muscle boy to start an engine for me. The engine ripped the handle out of his hand every time, and it hurts a lot. It usually takes a week for the person's hand to feel normal again after that. He couldn't start it, even after I showed him the technique.

I don't see why a pair of automatic compression releases wouldn't work for a norton, but looking at Constant's modification from the linked thread and his comment that it didn't help much, I would have to believe him because his opinion based on experience.

Also, not every norton is easy to kick over. Mine is a beast to kick over. Again, nobody could do it sitting on the seat, and nobody could do it with their hand... No chance jack... zero.
Thanks guys. I followed the link given by kommando, and it fully satisfies my inquiry.

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I can read, no further replies necessary, but some years back I spoke with Ol' T. C. Christenson, looking to have some compression releases installed. He had it listed as a service on his website, which looks like it's no longer in existence.

He comes in from the side, 3rd and 4th fins down. Mounted to the rear of the spark plug. The hole to the compression chamber locates between the spark plug and the rear mounting bolts, #4 and #5 in the torque tightening sequence.

I saved a pic on my PC, if you want one PM me with your email.