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Yup ,you could have the choke action reversed ,it's happened before.
Fast Eddie said:Before you change it, check properly that it isn't partially blocked.
My 850 has a single Mik with 35 pilot. It was partially blocked. Now I've unblocked it, and it is too rich. So Id say, 35 is too big.
I soaked mine in thinners and sprayed carb cleaner through it, and blasted it through with a compressor... all with zero result.
I had to unblock it physically, using weld tip cleaners.
stuck amals said:Update,
Fired it up with the choke on. It idled good. I let it idle for quite a while then turn the choke off. It would run for about 30-45 seconds as log as I pumped the throttle every few seconds.
Then I got the crazy idea to adjust air adjusting screw from it's recommended 1&1/2 turns out. The further IN I went the better it got. I'm now all the way in and it idles smoothly with the choke off.
I"m running a #25 pilot jet. It seems I need to go to #30 or #35.
stuck amals said:My 1974 Norton with a single Mikuni will start and run with the choke on. ( I know it's not really a choke) When I turn the choke off engine will die. I can't find anything wrong with the carb. In fact I took the Mikuni carb from my Combat and I get the same results.
I sprayed carb cleaner around the rubber carb mount and 2 into 1 manifold to see if it was sucking in air from somewhere. No Luck.
Any suggestions?