I think it's just a reflection of the red parts onto the areas where you see it. Of note, you don't see it as much or in the same areas in the second pic.....
Seals on both sides is good. The Alton sprague has no seals but I guess it does not
need as the chaincase oil splash will dribble down and reach it. Somehow I like the idea of
lubing it if I open it up!
I spoke with Paul at Alton about this as I have a belt drive running dry
He said the sprag clutch needs no lubricant at all
But for peace of mind I squirt a little 20/50 in there every 6 months or so
FWIW, a sprag works on friction. So grease is definitely a no-no (ask me how I know). I guess a little squirt of oil every now and again (like Baz) can’t hurt to keep the rust off in a dry primary. The factory system gets oil from fling off and seems to do fine.
Post #16 says it is a sealed sprag, which doesn’t make sense because both ends of the dog bones are exposed. So Matt is suggesting to grease the surface that needs the sprag to engage on. I’m not being critical of anyone, I am trying to understand the mechanics of it.
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