Classic British Spares Exhaust port repair

The EX threads are one of the most frequent Norton failures. Better to screw it in permanently with silicone sealer. Silicone braze a sleeve (so it fits the nut ID) and hook onto the pipe, Use a spring and be done with it forever. The OD of the nut fins have been turned down in the photo below.

Classic British Spares Exhaust port repair
Watch out Al will be thinking you stole his idea. Lol!
I use the cylinder head bolts to hook up on
Not as elegant as the screw in rose but zero issues in nearly 30 years using this type of setup


  • Classic British Spares Exhaust port repair
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Personally I would not go that route. The head will need to be machined anyway, so threaded inserts are the way to go in my opinion. Seager engineering in the U.K. would be my second choice after Jim, but somebody else on here might know of another good engineering shop in the U.S.
Precision Cycle in Ottawa Canada. Canadian funds. Fast turnaround.