Should probably have subjected the heading No Norton Content, but it does involve classic bikes, of which, of course, Nortons rightfully figure rather abundantly.
To be blunt. Here's the listing in question:
Perhaps a great bike for the right person. But read the description, and I may suggest that you could have the same unsavory acidic taste in your mouth that it left me.
A few of their "selling" points (commentary in brackets is mine. Sorry, I can not help it):
The fuel tank is fiberglass so no rust. As far as we know, the paint is original but we are not sure.
Front forks were not leaking so they were not serviced.
The Seat is perfect. It is a NOS Corbin Gentry. It really sets off the bikes personality and goes with the handlebars and sissy bar. [Huh? For real?]
Due to the total expense of the repair, he has decided to part with the machine as he doesn't want to have so much wrapped up in the machine.[We did not quote him a price on repair but knew he was a goodly sucker. His loss and your potential loss as well!]
We all know the value of this machine so bag your bargain here. [Really? Do we all know the value of this machine? Does the guy/gal working on the line at the Heinz plant know the value of the machine? Or is he/she more specifically concerned with feeding his/her family?]
Especially with it being road ready for the season. Just install a couple of mirrors and go touring on something that others will have a hard time finding to add to their collection in this kind of shape for this kind of money. Jay Leno eat your heart out! Enter it in poker runs and vintage bike contests. It is a purists dream. [For - double - real?????? So you charge him/her up the arse, bully him/her into acquiring the bike at a fire sale price, and choose to see this bike as some kind of Honda Goldwing tourer???? And who the f_ck cares about what Jay Leno thinks? P o k e r R u n s ????? Purist dream? Coughing/Hacking. What kind of moron..... the grammar and associations are just....]
[Wait for it.... wait for it.... ]
Reserve is not for the weak in wallet. You will need to be monetarily qualified to win and walk with this gem. [More coughing fits]
This isn't a fire sale. No trades. Cash is king. This is a Paypal only auction due to the protection that it affords all parties. [Have Nortons suddently become visible to the Harley crowd?????]
This caliber of unit is not offered everyday so get to the bank and get a loan pronto as you have 10 days or less to act. [An insult to both those who need to borrow as well as those who don't. Truly trashy all around. Why insult those who will borrow money to follow their passion (after my own heart), but why suggest those with the cash to buy outright should not consider the bike?]
The season is here. Open those wallets and let the moths out. It's showtime! [The American Chopper version of selling a classic European bike. It was bound to happen, once they realized that chrome and Hollywood does not necessarily a class bike become.]
You must be able to read and comprehend in order for us to be able to help you. We are on the internet and this is a prerequisite anyway. If you are thin skinned and this auction text offends you in any way shape or form, go away as you will not be able to hang with normal world purchase functions and that is what happens here daily. [BILLY RAY CYRUS is literature. They use the word "internet" as if on learning the word they've just magically obtained a PhD from Harvard. Cough.]
Believe the calculator. It is correct 99.9% of the time. [Errr.... thanks for making that apparent. I had no idea.]
Just so you know, if you ask a question that is covered in this text, it will be ignored as our mail rate is insane enough now. This is not a dodge. It is just that we would rather deal with folks that read the text and genuinely want to purchase something not just waste our time. [Of course. The mulleted Billy Ray Company has NO time to waste. THEY are important. You, as a potential buyer, well. Cough. Cough. Learn to read, fer chrissakes.]
We are trying to use what time we have to give good customer service to our paying patrons. Please just bid to what you think the item(s) is worth to you and let it go at that. Remember, it's an auction not a mideastern market place. [It just gets better.]
[I would love to see this as a piece of performance art, but alas, I know it is not so....
To be blunt. Here's the listing in question:
Perhaps a great bike for the right person. But read the description, and I may suggest that you could have the same unsavory acidic taste in your mouth that it left me.
A few of their "selling" points (commentary in brackets is mine. Sorry, I can not help it):
The fuel tank is fiberglass so no rust. As far as we know, the paint is original but we are not sure.
Front forks were not leaking so they were not serviced.
The Seat is perfect. It is a NOS Corbin Gentry. It really sets off the bikes personality and goes with the handlebars and sissy bar. [Huh? For real?]
Due to the total expense of the repair, he has decided to part with the machine as he doesn't want to have so much wrapped up in the machine.[We did not quote him a price on repair but knew he was a goodly sucker. His loss and your potential loss as well!]
We all know the value of this machine so bag your bargain here. [Really? Do we all know the value of this machine? Does the guy/gal working on the line at the Heinz plant know the value of the machine? Or is he/she more specifically concerned with feeding his/her family?]
Especially with it being road ready for the season. Just install a couple of mirrors and go touring on something that others will have a hard time finding to add to their collection in this kind of shape for this kind of money. Jay Leno eat your heart out! Enter it in poker runs and vintage bike contests. It is a purists dream. [For - double - real?????? So you charge him/her up the arse, bully him/her into acquiring the bike at a fire sale price, and choose to see this bike as some kind of Honda Goldwing tourer???? And who the f_ck cares about what Jay Leno thinks? P o k e r R u n s ????? Purist dream? Coughing/Hacking. What kind of moron..... the grammar and associations are just....]
[Wait for it.... wait for it.... ]
Reserve is not for the weak in wallet. You will need to be monetarily qualified to win and walk with this gem. [More coughing fits]
This isn't a fire sale. No trades. Cash is king. This is a Paypal only auction due to the protection that it affords all parties. [Have Nortons suddently become visible to the Harley crowd?????]
This caliber of unit is not offered everyday so get to the bank and get a loan pronto as you have 10 days or less to act. [An insult to both those who need to borrow as well as those who don't. Truly trashy all around. Why insult those who will borrow money to follow their passion (after my own heart), but why suggest those with the cash to buy outright should not consider the bike?]
The season is here. Open those wallets and let the moths out. It's showtime! [The American Chopper version of selling a classic European bike. It was bound to happen, once they realized that chrome and Hollywood does not necessarily a class bike become.]
You must be able to read and comprehend in order for us to be able to help you. We are on the internet and this is a prerequisite anyway. If you are thin skinned and this auction text offends you in any way shape or form, go away as you will not be able to hang with normal world purchase functions and that is what happens here daily. [BILLY RAY CYRUS is literature. They use the word "internet" as if on learning the word they've just magically obtained a PhD from Harvard. Cough.]
Believe the calculator. It is correct 99.9% of the time. [Errr.... thanks for making that apparent. I had no idea.]
Just so you know, if you ask a question that is covered in this text, it will be ignored as our mail rate is insane enough now. This is not a dodge. It is just that we would rather deal with folks that read the text and genuinely want to purchase something not just waste our time. [Of course. The mulleted Billy Ray Company has NO time to waste. THEY are important. You, as a potential buyer, well. Cough. Cough. Learn to read, fer chrissakes.]
We are trying to use what time we have to give good customer service to our paying patrons. Please just bid to what you think the item(s) is worth to you and let it go at that. Remember, it's an auction not a mideastern market place. [It just gets better.]

[I would love to see this as a piece of performance art, but alas, I know it is not so....