BSA b44/50

There are easier ways ;)

BSA b44/50
Yep I know I used to have one
The good thing is the type you have would work well with my b50 motor in the pre oil in frame
Would you like to donate it to my cause? :D :D
Yep I know I used to have one
The good thing is the type you have would work well with my b50 motor in the pre oil in frame
Would you like to donate it to my cause? :D :D
Ah ha, so you know how pricey they are, as all hen's teeth are ;) .
Couldn't find any reason to put it off any longer so today I borrowed the number plate off my A10 and took my b44/50 out for its maiden voyage
I was very pleased with how well it rode
It didn't vibrate as much as I was expecting
The torque is immense
I can start it first kick
The handling and braking are superb
Even the rear sets and clipons weren't as bad as I expected
I only did 10 miles but I was smiling the whole time
No oil leaks and everything working as it should
I uses electronic rev counters on some bikes, could be an alternative. Even put an CPS speedo on one of the BB44VS just to pass our MOT equivalent. The original speedo needs repair as it swings between 30 and 110 km/h regardless of actual speed. Can't find anyone able to fix it.
I uses electronic rev counters on some bikes, could be an alternative. Even put an CPS speedo on one of the BB44VS just to pass our MOT equivalent. The original speedo needs repair as it swings between 30 and 110 km/h regardless of actual speed. Can't find anyone able to fix it.
I only have the cheapo Indian replica chrono speedo and revcounter
I haven't fitted the revcounter yet but the speedo appeared to be working fine
Dead smooth no fluctuations but I will rig my satnav up next to it to check the accuracy
Hopefully the revcounter will work fine when fitted if not I will gut it and fit an electronic unit in the housing
My BSA is now properly on the road
I'm ironing out some of the niggles it has ,it cut out a few minutes after starting this evening
The ammeter came in very useful as a diagnostic tool
Everything was working but no movement on the ammeter quickly told me it was points/coil related
Turned out to be a loose connection on the condenser
The Indian made chrono revcounter has a bit of a mind of its own
When the bike is idling at a 1000rpm the revcounter shows 500
But when revved it's about right then when it gets to 3500 and goes a bit random
I have fitted horrible mirrors to it temporarily,I need to know who's behind me
Performance is good,a little better than I was expecting but this bike is loud seriously loud
It's not as good starting from hot or warm I have had to tickle it when hot to make it start
It only has a 3mm phenolic gasket so I am going to change that to 8mm because I think it may be heat soaking
The front brake is superb
The back brake is so so
Handling is excellent you just think where you want to go and the bike does it with no effort
The clipons,rear sets, restricted steering lock are all conspiring to tell me I'm not 17 any more !! But I have refused to compromise on this particular bike it's been built for fun and mainly from parts I already have
Above all it's a hoot to ride at least until May when I have my right knee replaced
Then I will either mothball it until I feel able to kick-start it
And if I can't start it I shall sell it because to me it's absolutely pointless owning a motorcycle I can't ride
It's not as good starting from hot or warm I have had to tickle it when hot to make it start
It only has a 3mm phenolic gasket so I am going to change that to 8mm because I think it may be heat soaking
I fitted a choke, perfect for hot starts but you need to unchoke as soon as the engine fires or it 8 strokes, tickling will do the same but risks washing the bores clean as the mixture will stay rich until the petrol level drops to normal in the float bowel. The thicker carb gasket reduces the need for choke on hot starting until the bike cools a bit say 5 to 10 mins instead of all the time.
Hopefully your knee replacement parts works out well. Any pic of your rev counter drive?
In this photo the cable looks close to the exhaust but it's not
It's at least 25mm away


  • BSA b44/50
    209.5 KB · Views: 259
I swear someone keeps moving the handlebars lower when I'm not looking!!


  • BSA b44/50
    287.3 KB · Views: 250
Ah ha, so you know how pricey they are, as all hen's teeth are ;) .
Hmmmm out yesterday and the revcounter packed up
The sleeve bolt that retains the triumph revcounter drive had backed off just enough to lose drive
It's now tightened and loctited
No wonder triumph changed the thread to LH on later models


  • BSA b44/50
    125.6 KB · Views: 247
Last night my BSA broke down
Just cut out
Tried to restart it but just got a pop but wouldn't fire up
Good spark at the plug and a full float bowl
I got it recovered and once it was back it fired up but was revving on badly like it's pulling air in but it's not it's an AAU problem
I know this because if I lock the AAU unit up with a washer it doesn't do it
But I don't see why the bike would break down because of this!?
I heard it misfire just before you changed up from 2nd to third as you were passing the car, the EI if its fitted can have a rev limiter or your engine is running off at high revs.
I heard it misfire just before you changed up from 2nd to third as you were passing the car, the EI if its fitted can have a rev limiter or your engine is running off at high revs.
It has misfired a couple of times
I haven't tracked down why yet
The misfire is not always at high revs
I need to stop the clutch from slipping first
I am fast running out of time on this project in 10 days time I'll be having my right knee replaced
My left knee is now buggered too
So I don't know how long it'll be before I can kick it over again,if ever!!
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