Broken RMA Adjuster

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Jan 10, 2005
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Sometimes it pays to stick to stock parts........11,000 miles and this happens. I re-installed it after doing the PW3 cam in Feb and as far as I was concerned it went back the way it came out. 700 miles since the installation and something came adrift, broke the circlip, bent the support arm and left the brass block to be chewed by the cam chain. I must have put it back incorrectly but everything lined up as it should. Have flushed out the cases and tank, stripped the pump and cut open the filter which seems to have caught all the brass since there is nothing on the exit side to tank. Here's hoping nothing got thru to the crank, oh well. Still waiting to hear from Andover on the broken tappet adjuster and was wondering if the resulting 1/10" clearance gave the RMA a real hammering? Unlikely?
Broken RMA Adjuster
That's the way it goes I guess, totally reliable last 7 years. Spring May day holiday Monday with OK weather. Next 3 days are crap, paying for the good last two weeks!
Keith1069 said:
Sometimes it pays to stick to stock parts........11,000 miles and this happens. I re-installed it after doing the PW3 cam in Feb and as far as I was concerned it went back the way it came out. 700 miles since the installation and something came adrift, broke the circlip, bent the support arm and left the brass block to be chewed by the cam chain. I must have put it back incorrectly but everything lined up as it should. Have flushed out the cases and tank, stripped the pump and cut open the filter which seems to have caught all the brass since there is nothing on the exit side to tank. Here's hoping nothing got thru to the crank, oh well. Still waiting to hear from Andover on the broken tappet adjuster and was wondering if the resulting 1/10" clearance gave the RMA a real hammering? Unlikely?
Broken RMA Adjuster

don't go looking for ANY warranty from this, well I wont say what I think of this vendor. I will NOT buy or recommend his part to ANYBODY EVER again after my experience with him.
don't go looking for ANY warranty from this, well I wont say what I think of this vendor. I will NOT buy or recommend his part to ANYBODY EVER again after my experience with him.
I'm guessing yours went the same way?
Annoyed as I am I wasn't, since I was thinking it got a hard time from some kind of hammering load imparted by the post adjuster breakage and massively clearanced exh rocker. Only a theory really and probably not worth considering. Maybe it was going to happen anyway. but it might be better if the guide pin was welded in place rather than use the tiniest circlip (C-clip) available. I looked at my pic taken in Feb and re-installation looks fine. Well, live and learn and back to old technology, a partly open cover and jiggling with a spoke to check tension on the manual adjuster.
Any other failures attributed to this part? I was thinking of installing one but now I'm concerned. Maybe a poll of users?

I've heard stories of those breaking. I'm going through custom part woes as well. I'm ready to sell the thing and buy a Honda.
Keith1069 said:
but it might be better if the guide pin was welded in place rather than use the tiniest circlip (C-clip) available.

Can you tell why the pin is made to be removed? Is there any reason why it couldn't be welded in there?


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Coco said:
I've heard stories of those breaking. I'm going through custom part woes as well. I'm ready to sell the thing and buy a Honda.

Getting the feeling either you like to complain or you're not cut out to own a Norton...
swooshdave said:
Coco said:
I've heard stories of those breaking. I'm going through custom part woes as well. I'm ready to sell the thing and buy a Honda.

Getting the feeling either you like to complain or you're not cut out to own a Norton...

Give me a break, it is called sarcasm. Don't you have a new thread to start?
Coco said:
swooshdave said:
Coco said:
I've heard stories of those breaking. I'm going through custom part woes as well. I'm ready to sell the thing and buy a Honda.

Getting the feeling either you like to complain or you're not cut out to own a Norton...

Give me a break, it is called sarcasm. Don't you have a new thread to start about a missing bolt or spacer or something?
7 years is a long time though right?
About 3 full years on this one.
When it broke on the road I pulled the chaincase outer and hot black oil poured out (not good with a dry belt) so thought I'd cracked the case (Norton Smile). Still trying to figure what connection the tensioner would have with the drive side I just finished cleaning it all up and pulled the drive seal. There is a tiny nick in it, very rough to the finger. Seems like dumbo forgot to oil it on re-assembly Feb or it picked up something sharp. Who knows?
Coco wrote:
I've heard stories of those breaking. I'm going through custom part woes as well. I'm ready to sell the thing and buy a Honda.
Don't get despondent Coco, you've still got the first fire-up and shakedown to go yet!!
A bike I call Ms Peel has unwrapped two to Rick and Mary's tensioners.
Rick said it was first ever reported even racer tested for years.

My cause is known, stuck throttle with light flywheel over rev'd
till tach needle disappeared for a number of seconds from
view bouncing off back of 0 peg to be slammed back, only
showing up as a blur after a another second when throttle
finally slammed shut [my panic mistake], and few more sec
to settle below redline and then on 0 Peg. Couldn't see engine
a foot form my face from all the smoke that came out
every seam that my panic state vision revealed looking
like curling rubber lips : (

Crank end flexed so much it jerked the cam chain so tight
it bend the RMA base plate similar to yours but 3x more.
Tore up inside of alternator stator too.

Rick replaced it free and ran 2000 more miles 5000 rpm max
to find the 2nd one unwrapped about exactly as much as yours.
Cranks TS run out was 1/32" immediately after rev event
and 1/64" after 2000 miles tear down to start new project.
DS was 1/16" and reduced to 1/32, all way too much.

I'd suspect bent crank shaft and a close inspection of
the oil pump snout for cracks.

hobot - in over rev hit kill button and hold grip WOT.
I'd suspect bent crank shaft and a close inspection of
the oil pump snout for cracks.
That makes me feel better.......not!!
I did strip pump and sand faces while in there but I didn't look for cracks or measure for bent crank. Sure hope not
This exact scenario directly concerns my extensive expensive Ms Peel too.
Something in our cases jerked the snot out of the cam chain.
In Peel's case one factor over laps Kieth's > exhaust valve cam lobe
geometry I'd like to understand. But not sure damage sequence.

I know for sure the crank end whip injured the alternator
and oil pump snout and RMA tensioner on initial over rev event,
after the smoke cleared and tin shed and my ear quit ringing
engine turned over fine and started right up and I rode off
in numb shock but no engine symptoms at all till pulling back into
shed and engine locked up solid at idle. That's when I opened
ed her expected the worst and saw tensioner pieces like
chewing gum stuffed in niches.
Still locked up solid, expecting the worse started tear
down at primary to find only thing locking engine was
a belt drive pulley side plate screw once red locktited
in had backed out and jammed into DS case face.
If I'd been on any throttle or coasting inertia it'd
just chewed right past undetected.

Put in 2nd RMA but after bazillion rpm blast Peel never would
make power over 4900-5000 rpm and down on pull 30% up that.
2000 miles later and a new Combat to care for I tore
down Peel to find the RH exht cam lobe flat topped
a few 100'th and lifter bottome galled into by lobe.

I think this allowed cam chain jerks on top the 1/32-1/64"
bend of TS crank end to over come RMA slack take up.
Peel's 2nd oil pump was also found cracked again but
had to look close while first one was chipped and loose.
As I knew engine was a gonner I did not baby her
for last 2K miles but she no longer ran out found under
me nor pulled huge windshield over 110 anymore.

I'm putting worn grooved factory tensioner in forever more too.

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