Bottom of chain, top of exhaust clearance

DBono said:
TonyA said:
Can anyone who has installed a South Bay Norton Torque muffler and retained the stock cat x-pipe let us know what the clearance is between the chain and the muffler/exhaust pipe. And also how loud are they and are they worth the money ? Tony.

The SBT Torque exhaust have the same issue with clearance, but supposedly SBT is redesigning the pipe to address this issue as we speak. The sound and performance of these pipes are impressive.

Hello , I am interested in these mufflers as well . Are they too loud ? Also , can the ECU cope with it like Carlos said it will ? Are there ECU remaps available ? Some say yes , some say no. MCC Chicago said no. Do you agree that the power output has been increased over stock Motads ? Also have you asked them about running it on the dyno ? Thanks Tony.
BritTwit said:
Have you spoken to anyone at SBT about this?
Matt or Carlos?

Yes, I am in regular dialogue with Carlos.

I think the sound is great -- not too loud but suits bike well. Power and torque are noticeably improved. Stock ECU works ok, but the remap would improve performance, low rpm fueling and starting, from what I hear. I'm still trying to get mine remapped, but not been successful yet. Will report back once successful.
Another option for exhaust is to go through Krazy Horse in the UK to get the MOTAD after-market system. There is another thread on this topic somewhere.

Think you'd likely still have the drive chain clearance issue though. Both my stock and SBT systems have the issue. Thus far, I've dealt with it by watching chain tension closely. I do have a few marks on the exhaust, but it doesn't seem to be getting any worse and am approaching 3,500 miles.

At one point, after complaining to the dealer, they disassembled the exhaust and re-assembled, trying to move the system to gain more clearance. Given the mount for the stock cat pipe, there is not much potential to move the system. This may have helped slightly.
I have never heard the Torquer silencers, but My Dominators are loud, especially at WOT. Sounds like the start of a NASCAR race.
I was thinking about eBay-ing the Dominators and getting the quieter Torquer units. If SBT ever fixes the routing on the pipes maybe I will do that.

I have had the 77 remap on my bike. Had it done last year by the dealer. I also have the SBT X-Pipe, no cats. Made a big difference in the midrange. I had a flat spot around 3800 to 4200 initially when I installed the SBT exhaust. I also had some EFI surging too. It worried me cause it felt like detonation in that rpm range. After the remap there was no flat spot or surging any longer. This remap was not an SBT remap but the Factory remap for the long freeflowing aftermarket exhaust that Norton offer to UK customers. However, it worked great on my 961. The remap did not do very much for the starting/cold idling issue. It's a bit better, but nothing to write home about.

My dealer also infromed me that SBT is currently working on a new remap specifically for their exhaust system. That should help improve performance considerably.
My friend who was riding behind me on his bike noticed that my pipes are not even. The pipe on the chain side is higher. There is more than sufficient distance btw the pipe and the chain. Someone finally did something right on my bike. Looks a little weird having uneven pipes if you look hard enough. For me, not an issue.
TonyA said:
Can anyone who has installed a South Bay Norton Torque muffler and retained the stock cat x-pipe let us know what the clearance is between the chain and the muffler/exhaust pipe. And also how loud are they and are they worth the money ? Tony.

The clearance is about 1/2" and is adequate as mine has never rubbed. The answer to are they worth the money is yes as they are the only game in town unless you try to import from the UK which will be more costly.
I have the Dominator muffler which is the louder of the 2. The question of how loud is very subjective, they are much quieter then my Vance & Hines equipped Harleys and quieter then my Ducatis which have Termis. They are much louder then the stock highly restrictive pipes which are quieter then the engine noises and make the bike unrideable and definitely un ownable in my modest opinion. They are slightly louder then a stock Ducati. Many owners think they are just right for the character of a Vintage bike!
This is the first time I've posted a reply even though I've been lurking (and gaining a lot of good information) for quite a while. I do not want to pretend to know everything, but I have owned a lot of motorcycles and ridden a lot of years so maybe I can offer some help. I bought the replacement mufflers for my 2014 SF and of course had some issues with clearance, not only with the drive chain, but with getting the pipes to look evenly spaced from the frame, pegs or whatever. This wasn't any new problem that I had not experienced with similar products on other motorcycles over the years. What I did to make things right was quite simple. Before I just bolted the mufflers on and tried it out, I loosened every clamp and mounting point on the exhaust just enough to adjust the alignment of all exhaust components. I then shimmed each component to be properly aligned and have adequate clearance making sure both sides (left and right) were the same. After everything was in position, I went back and tightened all the loose clamps and mounting points. Then I removed the shims. Finally I got to give the bike a minor thrashing to try it out. This might be too simple a fix but it worked on mine. Charlie ( and no, I'm not going to tell you what other bikes I have, where I live and what days I'll be gone on vacation)
TonyA said:
Hello Britfan , what kind of system are you running that allowed this adjustment ? Thanks

Tony. I'm using the Southbay Norton DS pipes with the catless X pipe. I believe the same as BritTwit.