Bore Scope


"Sons of Arthritus"
Jan 14, 2004
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Thinking of getting a Bore Scope.
Never used one, don't know anything about them.
I see them priced from $20.00 to $150.00 +.
I see them with their own screen and ones that tie into phone with WiFi.
Any comments from those that have used them?
I have a couple of them and can highly recommend the following:

Vividia 9mm Portable Digital Flexible Inspection Camera with 2.4" LCD Monitor

Model # Flex-24LCD-9mm

My other one is too big to insert into spark plug holes on all motors, and this one works great! Forgot the price, but was a bit shocked
at the low cost given how well it works.......And simple to use as well...........
Thinking of getting a Bore Scope.
Never used one, don't know anything about them.
I see them priced from $20.00 to $150.00 +.
I see them with their own screen and ones that tie into phone with WiFi.
Any comments from those that have used them?
The cheapest one I bought was worthless, the second cheapest was almost worthless. I like this one:
Thanks guys.
Think I'll just pull the head for now.
I'm sure I'll dive in sometime.
When I have doubts about my motor, I pull it apart. Some people are fanatical about piston clearance in bores. I do not worry unless the clearance is enough to create noise or crack a piston. Compression and oil usage are controlled by piston rings. However a bore scope might show where a valve has touched the crown of a piston. With some motors, the thickness of the piston rings can affect the way they seal. Thin rings in a two stroke motor are sometimes better.
I dropped about $90 on one and have never looked back. It can see where you cant on so many uses other than your bike.
OK, Ok, I'm weak. I pulled the trigger on Greg's. Looks like a lot going on for $70.00.
Hard to believe these things can be built, packaged, shipped and sold for $70.00
I'll probably wonder how lived with out it....
I’m late to the party on this, but I’ll echo what others have said. Don’t buy a cheap one.
OK, Ok, I'm weak. I pulled the trigger on Greg's. Looks like a lot going on for $70.00.
Hard to believe these things can be built, packaged, shipped and sold for $70.00
I'll probably wonder how lived with out it....

Here's a picture I took with it through the sparkplug hole and transferred to my computer.

Just don't lose the manual! I can never remember the buttons. This picture is using the forward camera. Looking at valves is best with the side camera.

The cable is very long and pretty stiff so it can look in drains. But the stiffness can help because it will hold a shape (not a tight bend though). The cheap ones I had would have showed little to nothing in that cylinder and you definitely could not count the bug's legs!

Bore Scope
Thanks for the post and clarifying the bug legs. Wasn't sure what was happening there.
I'm surprised something like this can be had for less $100.00.
Without knowing anything I assumed these cost anywhere from $250.00 to 2k.
I was looking at some used Snap On's for 100.00. After reading all the specs I am figuring this unit
probably out performs the old school.
Wasn't sure about wanting the 16' lead. I'm sure I'll find uses for it.
Like checking put the dryer vent that runs up the 2 story.

We'll see. Thanks for the info..
I loaned mine to my neighbor for some snooping inside a wall for a home rehab project she was involved in. Once I showed her the simple operation of the camera she wouldn't give it back.
She became embarrassed by the length of time she borrowed it and ended up buying her own.
I have a cheapie that plugs in with a USB to my laptop. The image is pretty good.
This is the only "scope" I have used.
Is it better to have a video display on the unit, or use a scope with the video on another device (laptop, phone, etc)?
A couple things to consider when looking for one of these. Do they have both a 90 and 180 deg camera. And second, how close can you get before it loses focus. The more expensive ones can get a lot closer than the cheapo ones.
Quick update. I downloaded an app to my android phone called OTG View2 which allows me to use the USB type borescope with my phone instead of laptop. This will be much more convenient than balancing a laptop while manipulating the scope.
Thinking of getting a Bore Scope.
Never used one, don't know anything about them.
I see them priced from $20.00 to $150.00 +.
I see them with their own screen and ones that tie into phone with WiFi.
Any comments from those that have used them?
I bought a $25 e-bay "WiFi" type. It works great! it can even get in the small diameter sparkplug hole (this was thru an intake port)

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A couple things to consider when looking for one of these. Do they have both a 90 and 180 deg camera. And second, how close can you get before it loses focus. The more expensive ones can get a lot closer than the cheapo ones.

The low and mid-range scopes do not have multi angular "cameras". A camera is a recording device, not an optical viewing device.

The scopes ability to "view" objectives to the side and other desired angles is accomplished via reflective inserts polished to a reasonable optical quality and mounted in front of the forward looking fiber optic lens with the imagery being conveyed back to the camera itself.

The optical/viewing/recording technology and quality has progressed to a stage where even the lower cost models can relay sharp imagery given enough light on the desired subject.

I use my Teslong to inspect my 850 cylinder bores to various firearms components to check on the bug my granddaughter stuck in her ear.
If you guys want to use instruments, you should become scientists. I had the joy of setting up a laboratory to do chemical amalysis. By pushing one button I could precisely analyse 13 elements in a piece of steel in 17 seconds. A bore scope is pretty tame stuff. When my boss finally saw how I analysed his steel, he was horrified. I was stupid - I should have got him to push the button and get the thrill when it all happened.