Best clutch tool ever ?

Does it need to be? Have there been issues of failed springs caused by the standard tool? I've used the standard tool since the 1970's when I bought my first Commando and I have never had an issue with the tool adversely affecting clutch springs. Admittedly, I am only one person and that's not much of a statistical data base! ;)
Perhaps I can refer you to post #17.
FE, I'm not disputing that the RGM compressor looks like an excellent piece of kit and it's great that you did a report on it.

My point is that I've seen/heard no evidence over the years that indicates that a Norton compressor adversely affects the clutch spring and should be retired/replaced by a different tool. OTOH, if I didn't have a compressor and wanted to buy one, I would select the RGM over the Norton. In addition to "looking better," it's about 1/2 the price! :)
FE, I'm not disputing that the RGM compressor looks like an excellent piece of kit and it's great that you did a report on it.

My point is that I've seen/heard no evidence over the years that indicates that a Norton compressor adversely affects the clutch spring and should be retired/replaced by a different tool. OTOH, if I didn't have a compressor and wanted to buy one, I would select the RGM over the Norton. In addition to "looking better," it's about 1/2 the price! :)
Yes, pretty much what I said then, the standard 4 pronged compressor should be fine, the spring probably doesn’t mind being distorted and it most likely returns to shape.

But it might not.

And I see no benefit to NOT compressing the spring uniformly.

So I’m not interested in how ‘pretty’ it is. It makes me feel better knowing that I’m not in any way distorting the spring AND that I’m ruling out a POSSIBLE failure point.

When you’ve had a failure, and stripped something, only to discover zero evidence of a root cause for the failure, you start looking closer at anything and everything that may be in any way sub optimal and therefore causing or even contributing to the failure. Basically like doing a FMEA. Thats where I’m at with my clutch. And I’m asking it to handle close to double what it does as standard, which it needs everything to be cock on to achieve. My point was never that everyone ‘needs’ to buy one… it was to applaud and support a supplier who has ‘gone the extra mile’ and put thought and effort into offering a top drawer product for those who might want it.
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Many years ago I bought this tool in the U.K ,From Gus Kuhn in London, never seen one before or since.


  • Best clutch tool ever ?
    285.3 KB · Views: 144
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I don’t do much business with RGM due mainly the shipping rate but a while back I purchased a set of stainless exhaust nuts and the tool to install them. I was so pleased with the tool that I actually sent them an email telling them how well made it was.When I saw Fast Eddie’s post on the clutch tool, I thought of they should get some kudos for this also.


  • Best clutch tool ever ?
    53.1 KB · Views: 126
I don’t do much business with RGM due mainly the shipping rate but a while back I purchased a set of stainless exhaust nuts and the tool to install them. I was so pleased with the tool that I actually sent them an email telling them how well made it was.When I saw Fast Eddie’s post on the clutch tool, I thought of they should get some kudos for this also.
Looks good
Don't forget the BMW factory tool fits perfectly on the Norton rose
Maybe easier to come by?
I don’t do much business with RGM due mainly the shipping rate but a while back I purchased a set of stainless exhaust nuts and the tool to install them. I was so pleased with the tool that I actually sent them an email telling them how well made it was.When I saw Fast Eddie’s post on the clutch tool, I thought of they should get some kudos for this also.
I’ve got wanna them too!

But I hacked a chunk off of mine, so it only picks up on 2 fins rather than 3, still works perfectly, had to do so in order to use it with a Maney style 2:1 pipe.
I’ve used my ‘normal’ 4 pronged clutch spring compressor many times without really thinking much about it. However, in my recent attempts to cure some clutch slip, I guess I was just more observant than usual.

I didn’t like the way the 4 pronged compressor distorted the spring in use.

I got to thinking about getting a ‘ring’ machined and welding it to the compressor so the spring was compressed in a uniform way.

Then I thought ‘haven’t I seen this kinda thing already’?

Yup! On the RGM website. Delivered today, a very well made and sturdy device that prevents any distortion of the spring.

Top Marks to RGM !

View attachment 115026
What is the diameter across the outside of the circular part Nigel?

So I can check if it fits a Norman White clutch diaphragm.

I have the four legged spring compressor. Used it without problem since purchasing in the seventies. I do release the pressure on the spring once I've removed it though.
Why 4"?
The "ugly" tool is closer to 5". Do they make 5" caps?
I should have replied that the 4" pipe has a 4" ID. The cap fits over the pipe. The OD of the CAP is 5.02". The AN metal tool I have at the widest point is 5". In other words, the same basic size. However, the cap is round and touches the spring at all points. The metal tool is flattened "U" shaped with straight sides at the contact points and therefore, only actually fully touches at 8 small points.

To me, @Fast Eddie is correct in having a question about the non-round ones.

For quick jobs, I used the AN tool, but if the clutch is going to be apart for an extended time, I use the one I made.
I don’t do much business with RGM due mainly the shipping rate but a while back I purchased a set of stainless exhaust nuts and the tool to install them. I was so pleased with the tool that I actually sent them an email telling them how well made it was.When I saw Fast Eddie’s post on the clutch tool, I thought of they should get some kudos for this also.
Been trying to buy them for over a year.
They've been out....