Barrel Paint

So, before I change it. I want to be sure I understand. I have 68 with black barrels and 69 with black on fastback and silver otherwise. Should it be all 68 were black and all 69 silver?

There seems to have been no silver barrel option for the '68 Fastback. The '67 Earls Court display model (and perhaps other pre-production models?) did however have silver barrels.
As far as I'm aware there's no serial number for the change from black to silver and it could have been a gradual process. 'R' and 'S' type barrels are both described as 'Silver' in the parts book and all have the same 063096A barrel part number.

Also, I have no model distinctions for 68 - just Commando and I state that they were later known as fastback - is that true?

Yes, apparently so. The original model was the 750 Commando, however, when the 'R' and 'S' types were introduced then the original model was named Fastback (and applied retrospectively in many cases, even the '68-'70 parts book so the '68 models are generally referred to as Fastback).
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Weird. I have Kim the CD Man's Norton DVD. The files on it have the date 4/29/2009. I have manual 101/71 which has 71 handwritten on the cover. I don't have the one you have with part 063402 on the DVD but it turns out that I have it from somewhere else - I should have searched my parts database or in my files instead of the DVD!

Anyway, thank you - at least I have some evidence to backup what I said on my website.
Yes, it is a Kim CD. Modified date is 12/21/1998 The 101/71 has 71 handwritten on the cover.
It was 4 parts manuels, 71,72,73,75
I used this one for the cylinders. SP117 Flat Aluminum
Barrel Paint
Which rattle can paints dissipate heat? I could use some of that magic.

From a physics standpoint, maximum radiative heat transfer results from flat black color.

Maximum convection heat transfer occurs with rough, not polished, fins. The edges of the fins do little heat transfer, so if you wish to polish them, do so.

^^^^ Gotta laugh ….. that paint you linked to : Regis Negro

I doubt it would be allowed for sale in the UK as there would be a massive hullabaloo about the use of the name. There would be public uproar and countless TV shows dedicating unending hours of “ chat “ about the offensive use of the word negro …..
Me … I just appreciate the recommendation of a decent paint for a particular application.
Thanks for posting and of course all other contributors with their paint offerings.