Balancing - are 850 cranks better balanced than 750s?

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Nov 15, 2010
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I've been told by a respected source that the factory did a better job of balancing the 850 cranks then on the 750 ones.
I was wondering if any of the inventive minds on this forum had noticed any differences? One hears stories of how some cranks would have a very large variation, so perhaps they improved later on in production?

Yes the 850 cranks were well balanced compared to the 750s.

A customer sent one to me to check and there wasn't much left to improve (static balance-wise).

What is unsaid here is have you met any 750 cranks though that weren't so good. Terrible, in fact ?

There is chat over on the NOC Forum that somewhere in the AMC era, the cranks were sent out for balancing.
And there is some chat that the gent doing the balancing did batches of cranks all balanced together - using the data off the 1st crank he measured. (!!) Some have opining he just randomly drilled balance holes.
Without any actual evidence being offered, in the form of pics of cranks, or balance weights ...
Back in the '70s I had a number of 750 cranks dynamically balanced. Because I was using non-standard pistons and balance factors, I couldn't tell you if the cranks were balanced to the right BF to start. What I can say is that they were definitely not dynamically balanced properly. All the cranks required metal removal on one side or the other to bring them into dynamic balance.

Nortons didn't ever dynamically balance their cranks, so should we expect any different ?
And, would the 850 cranks have been any different in this respect. ?

BTW, Enfields were reputedly the only maker that did resort to dynamically balancing their large twins' cranks,
after apparently having some terrible vibration/quality control problems.
This did supposedly make them smooth.
FWIW on dynamic balancing. I had the crank on my BSA A10 done. It changed the frequency and moved the vibration in the rev range, but it's still there. Not as bad at crusing speed, and I feel the vibes more in my feet than my hands now.
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