Backwards controls???

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That safe turn system looks pretty least per their advertising copy! I think it would be a good thing to have. Might have to purchase on when I get back to the US mid-March.
In my case the front signal lights are flush mounted on the outside of the fairing, so I cant see if I haven't canceled the signal. My saving grace is that I have an ammeter wired into the headlight who's needle visibly pulses when a directional is on. Sometimes I do glance down and there it is pulsing away... I look at the switch and sure enough I'm riding around with a directional flashing on and off. It doesn't happen a lot between my good riding habits and the ammeter needle pulsing as a reminder.
Yes, leaving them on can be a real concern esp in urban situations. My first bike (2013 T100 Bonneville) I fitted with a automatic signal canceler (Kisan SignalMinder) and it has no doubt saved my butt numerous times. Has a settable delay (10-30 sec) and the shut-off is prevented while the brake light is on (so while at a traffic light waiting to turn etc). Thinking to research if positive earth is compatible with it. There is a new option (though at 2x the price) call Safe Turn System ( using accelerometers/motion detectors/gyros to determine when your finished your turn etc.
Kisan Sales tech said that SignalMinder won't work with positive ground.
Curious. There's only one "power" connection on the unit I fitted to the the negative ground. Other connections goes to the flasher unit...which is a simple two-line it ends up as an in-line connection (not polarity driven I'd assume). If the ground wire is fed to the negative battery post, might just work. will try it one day.
The other product I see them a timed inline fuse (10 amp) here:
This goes in the line to the it controls how long the flasher gets powered...and can be set for 10-30 seconds. That should work on positive earth.
Another product- Traffic Light Changer. Never had turn signals until last year with new '73 commando; maybe just have to get used to them. Took a while to figure out why the yellow indicator light was flashing. The Green Light switch looks like a good deal.
Is the light changer just a big magnet to place underside of bike, activating road sensors?
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